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I was startled awake the moment I heard it. I was instantly aware of where I was, and I was well beyond confused.

"We're on the roof of Stark Tower." I stated blankly, my voice raspy and hoarse.

"Good to see you remember that." Clint said.

I glanced up at him from my spot on the ground. He was a little dirty and bruised, but nothing more than that.

"We're -- " I cleared my throat softly. "We're not on the helecarrier."

"No." Natasha was knelt in front of me, a relieved smile on her face. "No we're not." She had blood dried on her forehead, but she was in the same boat as Clint otherwise.

I started looking around, noticing the rest of my teammates were there, too. I heard a huff, and I turned my face upwards. The Hulk stood there, dirty, a bit bloody, and bruised. I had a feeling that he was the one who woke me up. Then, Thor and Steve stood on either side of Clint, behind Nat. The both of them were the same as the others: bruised, dirty, just a smidge bloody, and alive.

They were all alive.

I silently let my eyes run over them a few more times. I wanted to smile so badly, but I couldn't help but frown; someone was missing.

Then, just as I had felt tears well up in my eyes again, I was pulled into someone's chest. I saw a faint blue glow. I smelled blood, sure, but I also caught a hint of mechanical bits, oil, and expensive cologne residue. I felt a set of fingers begin to work the tangles out of my hair, and my breath caught in my throat. I brought up a hand, clutching the person's shirt tightly.

"You're okay..." The both of us whispered - me as a kind of confirmation, and him as a form of comfort.

"I told you we'd make it out in one piece." Tony whispered into my hair.

I burrowed my head into his chest, releasing a shaky breath. I gripped his shirt tightly, entirely unaware that my tears were soaking it.

He sighed, softly smoothing down my hair. "I'm sorry, Sunshine. I tried to tell you I was alright, but I guess the coms weren't working."

I chuckled softly as I breathed out, "No, that's my fault. When no one would tell me you were alright, I threw my earpiece."

At that, we weren't the only ones that laughed.

"I'm sorry, you threw it?" He asked.

"Oh yeah,"

The two of us looked at Natasha as she smirked in my direction.

"She also got close to destroying Loki's sceptre." She pointed towards the broken machine, a slightly dented sceptre lying next to it with scuff marks on the blade.

I sheepishly glanced at the team from the corner of my eye. "Oops."

I heard how rough my voice was and I felt a multitude of pricks in my throat, dragging me back to reality. I ground my teeth, trying not to show how hurt I was as I gently placed a hand against my neck. Tony's arms tightened around me, and I winced, suddenly conscious of all the pain I was in.

He immediately let me go, looking down in concern. "Hey, you okay?"

I nodded softly, shifting positions. "Yeah." I winced as I tried to painlessly slip out of his arms. "I think a few ribs might be broken, but I'm sure we've all dealt with worse."

One Day More || a Tony Stark x Oc Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now