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We spent another three days on the helecarrier. Really, there was nothing else we could do until we figured out Loki's plan. And, even then, we were all trying to put ourselves back together after losing Coulson. I will admit, I think we needed those three days.

Tony spent his time in the lab. Sometimes I would pass by and look through the window to see him busying his hands. Other times, he would be sitting in a chair or on a table, just staring into space. If we ever met eyes, the two of us would send comforting smiles or nods through the glass.

Steve spent most of his time either in his room or on the airstrip outside. He always seemed deep in thought, and not really doing much at all. He walked. He paced. He thought.

Natasha spent every second of her time with Hawkeye, who had been held on the ship and was recuperating from his time as a mind slave. Clint was grateful for his friend's company, and the two of them would talk, plan or spar, and sometimes even just sit in silence together, just enjoying the other's company.

As for me, I found myself drifting between the three groups. I found comfort in just being near my team, and, somehow, my being around them seemed to do them some good, too.

Clint had shown me how to properly use a bow. Natasha, to my surprise, played with my hair, and told me about some of her fondest childhood memories with her little sister; something told me that Natasha wouldn't share this information with just anyone, and I was just as open with her when she asked about my own family.

I had convinced Steve to do something more than just trudge through his memories in silence; I softly played my guitar as Steve sketched the skyline, the two of us sitting in the open air. We even spent a moment to pray together once we realized we shared the same religious beliefs.

When Tony seemed open to having me around, I watched him tinker in the lab. Occasionally, he would guide me through his thought process. He let me help with the small things and pass him tools. And I may or may not have tripped, and dropped things, and bumped into things, enough times for him to tell me I had to sit down. "I never picked you for the clumbsy type," he'd said. I just rubbed my toes with a pout when he laughed at my childish attitude and my forming bruises.

Then, on the fourth day, I passed by the lab to see that Tony wasn't there. I had walked past the window, only to freeze, walking backwards to look inside once more. The lab was clean and orderly; Tony hadn't even been in the lab at all that day, leaving the lab to be cleaned by whichever agent decided to pick up the slack. I stared through the window, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion and a bit of concern.

"Are you looking for Mr. Stark?"


I hadn't noticed the agent that had approached me from behind. Instincts dictated that I should have flinched at the sight of her, and I viciously held myself back. My mind replayed the image of a woman who'd drowned in her own blood, surrounded by the havoc of a falling ship, the Hulk, and an abundance of gunfire. Her eyes were empty when I had to close them, but her eyes were full of light, now, as she smiled down at me. I felt my heartbeat pick up.

'She's breathing.' I reminded myself in my mind.

'I'm breathing.' I repeated yet another mantra that I'd had to teach myself.

'I'm living in Tomorrow, not Today.' My heart began to beat at a more acceptable pace.

I smiled back at her, giving the impression that nothing was wrong, and that I had never made her acquaintance before.

One Day More || a Tony Stark x Oc Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now