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I blinked furiously as the sun decided that it would stab my eyes that morning. I moaned quietly at the uncomfortable experience, shutting my eyes tightly and covering my face with my arm. I vaguely noticed something sliding off of me as I did, but I instantly forgot. After giving myself a minute, I sat up. I stretched and I rubbed my eyes and face. I looked around blearily. I was still in the lab.

'Did I never leave last night?'

I ruffled my hair a bit to make it more presentable, and I looked around once more. I was alone.

'I guess the guys are taking a break.' I nodded to myself. 'Good. They need one.'

I looked around one last time, seeing the sun rising through the window on the other side of the room. I let a small smile grace my features as I admired the view. Then, my smile fell as I took note of the cluttered surfaces around the lab.

I sighed. "I guess I could pick up some small things. Make it easier on them." I said aloud.

I let my legs dangle off the side of the table and I twisted my torso, sighing in relief at the series of cracks I heard, and felt, go down my back. I slid off the table. I slid as soon as my feet touched the floor, too, making me squeal in surprise as I fell back onto the floor. Thankfully, I landed on my butt and not my face.

I winced a bit. "What the heck?"

I looked at the space where I had stepped. I raised an eyebrow at the sight of a large fire blanket. I turned my head to the emergency kit on the wall, finding that it had been left wide open. Everything that was supposed to be inside of it, besides the fire blanket, was haphazardly piled up on the table below it. I sighed with a shake of my head. I still smiled as I looked back at the blanket, though. I crawled towards the blanket, picking it up before I stood.

I started with the emergency kit, and then I moved onto the smaller things. I folded the blanket and put the emergency supplies back in the box. I put obvious tools back where I knew they would go - leaving the tools that I didn't recognize so that they wouldn't be lost to the void. I stacked files and notes that were, obviously, connected and important. I put the monitors that weren't in use in standby mode. I put blank paper and pens in a stack on the table I'd been sleeping on.

When I finished, I decided to look at the monitor with Tony's scan on it. It seemed like it was close to being finished, but it still needed some user input. I was only there for a few seconds when Tony and Dr. Banner walked back in - Tony with two coffees and Dr. Banner with some hot tea in hand.

I leaned around the display, sending the geeks a smile. "Morning, guys!"

"Good morning." Dr. Banner smiled at me, seeming more at ease than he was yesterday.

Tony smirked at me, shaking his head at my cheerfulness. "Morning, Sunshine. You sleep well?"

I shrugged my shoulders, putting my hands in my pockets. "Pretty well, you know, considering that I was curled up on a table all night. But I'm feeling pretty good. You?"

The men walked around the desk to stand next to me. Dr. Banner leaned back against the window, taking a sip of his tea. I glanced at his cup for a second as I caught a faint whiff of peppermint. I looked back at Tony as he held one of the coffee cups in my direction.

"Pretty well," He answered me. "You know, considering that I only had about four hours of it. But, hey, what can you do?"

I nodded, laughing slightly as I took the cup. "I guess you've got a point." I paused, lifting my cup. "Thanks for this."

One Day More || a Tony Stark x Oc Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now