Epilogue: Stand By Me

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Minji tugs on the sleeve of her blouse, trying to adjust the smooth material as she waits for the door to open. A small frown rests on her lips when she sees Jimin on the other end, causing him to let out a small chuckle before stepping aside to let her in.

"You didn't even try to hide your disappointment, I'm wounded," he jokes, hand reaching for his heart as he clutches his chest. He was hoping to at least get a smile from her, but his expression becomes serious once he notices how she's nervously chewing on her bottom lip.

She shakes her head upon hearing his words, trying to pull herself out of her thoughts as she glances over at Jimin. "Hmm?" she hums in response, missing the words he uttered a few seconds ago. "Sorry, I'm just really nervous about today," she admits while Jimin nods in understanding.

"I know, it's nerve-wracking," he replies, offering her a small smile. Jimin knew the nauseating feeling since he experienced it himself almost three weeks ago when he had to testify.

The trial against Lee Geunwon had started in the early days of March, approximately two weeks after Minji was discharged from the hospital. The prosecution focused on questioning witnesses from the company and utilized law enforcement officials in order to address the money laundering and corruption within Gradia Enterprises during the first trial. The second trial was centered around attempted murder on two counts. Both Jimin and Jungkook had been called to testify that day.

It had been almost two months since the trial started, and this was the final trial before the judge would issue his verdict on the case. Both Minji and Taehyung were supposed to testify today, as well as a few other witnesses the prosecution planned to call in order to tie up their case.

Minji takes a quick glance around the room, taking note of how unusually quiet the apartment is. "Where's Tae?" she inquires, eyes locking back onto Jimin's.

"He's in his room, still getting ready," he informs her. "I'll meet you guys outside," he adds, figuring they could use some privacy as he grabs his keys before heading out of the apartment, giving her a reassuring smile before shutting the door behind him.

Minji lets out a small sigh as she trudges to Taehyung's room. The door is wide open as he's working on buttoning up his shirt, a permanent frown plastered on his face as he fiddles with the buttons. Minji leans against the door frame, her features softening as she admires her boyfriend.

"Need help with that?" she asks, her voice a hushed whisper as she speaks. Taehyung glances up, puffing his cheeks as a heavy sigh leaves his lips.

"I've got it," he insists. "Thanks though." He forces a smile onto his lips, attention shifting back to the buttons on his shirt. When the last button is looped through the final hole, he runs his fingers gently over the material of the shirt, trying to smooth out the wrinkles before grabbing the navy tie laying on his bed.

"Nervous?" Minji asks, earning a hum in response as he attempts to properly knot the tie. It takes him two attempts before the material looks somewhat decent.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, taking a step closer towards Minji as his hands rest on her hips, pulling her closer into him as he observes her caramel colored eyes.

"I just want to get this whole thing over with and move on," she admits, leaning against his chest as she wraps her arms around his waist, lightly squeezing him and taking a deep breath, feeling a calm aura take over as her senses pick up on Taehyung's musky scent.

Taehyung is the first to pull away from the embrace, already missing Minji's warmth as he reaches for her hand and interlaces their fingers together. "We better get going," he whispers, earning a nod in response as Minji tugs on his hand, leading the way out of the apartment as they head downstairs to meet Jimin.

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