Chapter 5: Strange Coincidences

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After receiving that text message from Taehyung, Minji immediately got up, frantically scrambling to collect her stuff. "Hey, can you text me later, let me know what happens in coding design? I've gotta go," she rushed out while Jungkook quickly nodded. He watched her walk away, glancing down at the coffee cup she left sitting on the table.

That was four days ago, and Tae was still in a coma.

Minji remembers how she spoke to Taehyung's mom at the hospital that day, casually asking about the whereabouts of his phone only to find out that no one knew where the device was. It wasn't on the scene or on him when he was brought in, which only raised more questions. Minji was genuinely confused as to why she got a text message from it then. Who the hell has his phone?

She still kept getting text messages daily from Taehyung's phone, and it was always the same one: Hwlomr. The first time she saw it, that day in the student commons, she recalls trying to figure out the meaning behind the jumbled letters, but now she was annoyed by it. Whoever thought it was funny to be sending text messages from her best friend's phone was a sick bastard, especially since Taehyung was still laying unconscious in a hospital bed.

She couldn't sleep as her mind was whirring with all these questions that she still didn't have the answers to. She glances at the clock on her nightstand to see that it was almost one in the morning, letting out a small groan before pulling out her phone and connecting it to her Bluetooth speakers before playing some calming music. Minji wishes to at least get some sleep, but she knew that it was going to be impossible. The nightmares have also been making frequent visits in her sleep, and honestly, it was starting to freak her out because they were starting to feel too real.

It was always the same one every night: her and the shadow running away from something, except, more recently, instead of running down an unfamiliar road, the setting was more familiar, and that made her feel uneasy. She would be running through the halls where her classes were held, with the figure following her as something darker lurked behind them. It was always the same scene: the figure falls and yells her name, pleading for her help, and she always freezes... always.

It was starting to make her anxious, and she would wake up in the middle of the night hyperventilating. Every night the nightmare got worse as the sinister thing that was chasing them was getting closer. Yesterday, Namjoon heard her shouting and came into her room, helping her calm down as he tried to talk her through her breathing. When that didn't work, he resorted to her grounding technique, making sure she was okay before leaving her room.

She tries to shake away the thoughts in her head and finally gives in to sleep as the fatigue take over, hoping that the nightmares stay away for the night.


She's in the familiar halls of the graphic designs building, running as she feels the shadow person running behind her.

Her breaths come out harsh and erratic, her heart beating frantically in her chest and the beat of it thrumming in her head as she decides to try to try the doors, hoping to find a hiding place in one of the classrooms... but every single one is locked.

The shadow person is catching up to her, reaching out for her hand as she feels a cool sensation run through her body while it tugs her along with it. She tightly holds onto it and continues to move forward when they reach the end of the hall, nowhere to go.

She can feel the panic coursing through her body as it becomes hard to breath. The shadow figure is quick to approach her, holding her both her hands now as it tells her to breathe, the voice slightly distorted. They both sink to the floor as she closes her eyes, hoping to wake up soon as the sinister thing chasing them is swiftly approaching.

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