Chapter 3: Nightmare

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Minji was shivering as she stands behind her register, her teeth slightly chatting as she feels the AC hitting her skin while Jimin glances at her, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you cold?" he asks while she turns to look at him, nodding as she rubs her hands against her arms, attempting to create some friction in order to warm herself up.

"You aren't?" she shoots back, a perplexed expression on her face as she notices that he's not affected at all by the cool air in the store.

"No, it's as hot as a sauna in here," Jimin complains, causing her to frown. Why is it so damn cold then? Jimin observes the younger girl, noticing the way her body shakes. "Damn, maybe you're getting sick or something," he suggests while she glances at him.

"No, I'd know if I'm getting sick, Jimin," she replies, feeling frustrated since she felt fine. "I'm just cold," she repeats.

He nods, accepting her answer before leaning against the counter that separated the two of them. "Hey, are you visiting Taehyung again today?" he mumbles while her annoyance dissolves into a somber mood. Her eyes, a lot softer now than a few minutes ago, are locked onto Jimin's as she nods.

"Yeah," she utters. "I was thinking of stopping by after work," she replies while he hums in response.

"Is it okay if I come with you? I didn't get a chance to visit yesterday," he shares, his voice soft as she agrees to his request.

The both of them had been visiting Taehyung in the hospital for the past week. Sometimes the two would go together to see him after working a late shift together, other times, they would pass each other in the halls of the hospital in the mornings since both of them would visit before classes. Minji would also stop by again after her classes were done for the day if she didn't have to go in to work, just to see if there was any progress or signs of him waking up soon.

"How's his mom holding up?" Jimin inquires, causing Minji to sigh.

"She looks like she hasn't slept in days and she hasn't been eating well according to Mr. Kim. She spends a lot of time in the hospital and he's worried since they still have their other son to take care of," she shares.

The young girl was worried about her because she was very close to Taehyung's mom. She looked after Minji as if she was one of her own, and for that, Minji was grateful. In no way was she a replacement for the mother she lost, but she was the closest thing that Minji had to a motherly figure. They met a couple of times over the past two years since Taehyung would take her back to his home in Daegu whenever he went to visit, so she was pretty close with his family.

Minji had been the one who made the call to his parents to inform them about Taehyung's situation. She was his emergency contact and she was the first number that popped up on his phone, so of course the hospital called her, but that was only because his parents lived a few hours away and wouldn't be able to be there on short notice. The day after she visited Taehyung, she spent the whole morning trying to figure out what to say to his parents, struggling to focus in her classes. When she finally gained the courage to dial his mom's number, she tried so hard to keep herself together as she paced the empty halls on campus in between her classes. She could barely keep her voice steady, and she could only imagine how his mom felt when she told her about the accident. She could hear his dad trying to console her on the line before grabbing the phone himself, letting her know they would be there soon and thanking her for letting them know.

Her thoughts wander to her best friend, hoping that everything was going to be okay. 

"I'm scared Jimin," Minji admits, causing the older boy to look at his friend, the emotions evident in his features as well.

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