Chapter 2: Overprotective Brothers

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The morning light creates a warm glow in the hospital room, illuminating both Taehyung and Minji.

The girl groans as the sun rays hit her eyes, causing her to groggily sit up before her eyes move towards her best friend, the wounds from his accident now more prominent and visible than last night. She feels the tears threatening to fall from her eyes, but tries to hold it in. You have to be strong, she reminds herself.

Her back aches from the awkward sleeping position and she can feel the drool on her cheek, causing her to scrunch up her face with slight disgust as she wipes it with her shirt. She gets out of her chair to stretch before her eyes widen as she realizes that she spent the whole night in the hospital.

She fumbles with her movements as she quickly pulls out her phone, feeling a pit in her stomach as she glances at the time in the corner which indicates that it's a little after six in the morning, but that's not her main concern right now. Her focus quickly shifts to the notifications that are on her screen, indicating that multiple people had been trying to reach out to her last night.

17 texts from Jin
12 missed calls from Jin
5 missed calls from Namjoon

9 texts from Namjoon
4 texts from Jimin
2 texts from Yoongi

She groans as she unlocks her screen and goes straight to her contacts. Her finger hovers over Namjoon's name, debating on whether or not to call him this early in the morning. Fuck it. She chews on her bottom lip as she hears the line ring, pacing the room as she waits for him to answer his phone.

"Hello?" Namjoon answers, his voice groggy on the other end as Minji takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Hi Namjoon oppa," she whispers. She can hear the movement on the other end of the phone as he sits up in his bed, now more alert upon hearing his little sister's voice.

"Minji, where the hell are you? We've been so worried-"

"I know, I'm sorry," she replies, her voice threatening to break. "I'm at the hospital right now-"

Namjoon feels the panic coursing through him as he quickly rushes out of the bed, using his shoulder to hold the phone against his ear while he frantically tries to put on some jeans. "Shit, are you okay? Why the hell didn't the hospital notify us?" he seethes, clearly frustrated at the fact that no one bothered to call him to let him know that his baby sister was in the hospital.

He freezes when he hears her small voice calling his name, stopping his rant as he listens to her.

"It's Taehyung," she breathes out. Namjoon feels slightly relieved knowing that Minji is fine, but there is a slight pain in his chest knowing that this is hurting her since he knows how important Tae is to her.

"Damn," he breathes out, sitting on the edge of his bed. "Is he okay?" he inquires.

Minji stares at Taehyung, listening to the steady beeping of the machines in the room before a tear strolls down her cheek. She sniffles before turning away from him. "No," she croaks out. "He's in a coma Joon," she whimpers.

Namjoon sighs heavily as his hand combs through his hair. "Shit, I'm sorry Mi," he mutters. "Are you okay? Do you need me to come get you?" he inquires.

"I'll be fine, I'm actually getting ready to come home, so I'll be there soon," she mumbles.

"Are you sure? I can come get you," he insists, worried about her driving when she's clearly upset, but she declines his offer.

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