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I was walking towards bus stop when a bike stopped a step away. "Come" That was a well known voice which made my heart skipped a beat.
"Zamil" involuntarily my tongue twisted to whisper that name and I turned backward to found him lifting the windshield of his helmet, proving me a little glance of his face.

"Um.. I..  I'll manage" I mumbled and took steps further but Zamil started his bike and held my wrist 

"Come" He ordered while lightly pulled me towards the back seat of bike, I was very tired of walking so placing my sling bag between both of us, I mounted next to him.

"Zamil" I collect all my courage to talk to him, but he silently glide his bike on the empty road without bothering to reply.

My refusal hurt him so much.

"Zamil I have to talk to you" I said after gathering all the courage I had, but Zamil didn't reply again. Suddenly a the bike passed over a speed breaker, giving a jolt which made me jump and soon my hands land on Zamil's shoulder to maintain my balance. He further increased the speed maybe to get tighter grip from me but I removed my hands.

Soon the bike was stopped at the front gate of college and I jumped off with a different feeling hidden in my heart.

"Well, for now we both are getting late for our lecture, but wait for me near library in lunch time, we'll talk then" Saying that Zamil parked his and soon he was disappeared from my gaze.

"Today I have to tell him everything" I decided in my heart and took step towards my classroom. I was eagerly waiting to tell everything to Zamil. Each and every minute was like a whole year for me but every wait is meant to be over.... As so in that case!

After few hours I reached to the place where Zamil told me and he was already waiting for me. "Why weren't you coming college?" I Asked to Zamil who smiled proudly.

"Maybe someone was missing me!" He said with his charming smile which I ignored and Zamil understand that I wasn't liking that playful answer.

"I had some work at home so  I was busy" He replied and I nodded while taking a deep breath but before I could say anything I was amazed to saw Richa and Vihaan coming there, like they both knew I would be there.

"Hmm.. So what's the matter?" Zamil asked to three of them while running his fingers through his hair to make them puffy, and my heart skipped a beat but he didn't get reply from any of us.

"Tell me" Zamil stressed in his words on which Vihaan and Richa shrugged while saying "Nothing"

"If there is nothing then why you both are not talking to Shama?" Zamil asked and Richa glare me.

"Zamil are you still asking the reason?" Richa asked with disappointment towards me.

Her disappointment was correct but I wasn't wrong on my place

"Richa Vihaan.... Its mine and Shama's matter! Why you both are behaving rude with her? Yaar we both can handle this on our own terms, you don't have defend me!" Zamil scolded both of them and I smiled lightly looking towards Richa.

"Guys I have to tell you something, I'm sorry Zamil I can't accept your proposal bec.." I was saying when suddenly Zamil gestured me to stay silent by putting his first finger on his lips, his action was so powerful that I couldn't help but obey.

"First of all sort out this matter after that we'll listen anything" Zamil ordered and after a short conversation the dispute between Richa and me was sort out and both the friends hug each other which brings smile on my lips.

"Keep smiling, you look beautiful while smiling" Zamil told me with a genuine smile on his lips while lightly hitting my nose with his index finger which killed my grin.

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