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"Shama at least tell me something! You were fine when you went back from here but..." That day After arguing with Abbas I went to Richa's place and she asked me about my problem because I was only crying without telling her anything.

"Richa..." I lift my gaze and she sat down beside me.

"Hmm Shama"

"I'm living with you since three years, have you ever noticed me going closer to any guy?" I asked in between my hiccups and she shook her head, but she was looking confused.

"H.. He said that..." I cried without completing the sentence.

"What did he said" Richa asked and I close my eyes while hiding my face in my hand.

"He said that I was pregnant with Zamil's child that's why I abort that" I told her what was in my heart. I was telling her everything but I didn't know that Zamil and Vihaan were already present in next room and listening everything.

"What will you do now?" Richa asked and I wiped my tears.

"Richa I can't live with him, if he is doubting on my character for once then he can doubt on me in upcoming time too.... I can't beg in front of him to make him believe on my pietism." I shared and Richa nodded but a voice made me startled.

"Even you shouldn't beg in front of that man to prove yourself correct" That was Zamil who came out from the room and I was shocked to saw him at that time. I felt embarrassed in front of him.

"Shama I'm with you in every situation!" Zamil told me after holding my both hands in his firm hands. I was feeling goosebumps appearing on my whole frame with his touch.

"Zamil please..." I jerk his hands away from mine and he was looking shocked.

"Shama first of all you stop crying and listen to me carefully. You don't have to think about anything just focus on your future. You can divorce that man and I'm ready to marry you" Zamil said and I shook my head.

"What do you want Zamil?
I don't wanna prove him correct by doing all these things" I said with anger, I wasn't a puppet that I went away from one hand and come to someone else's hands.

"Neither I want you nor Abbas nor any other man.... I have already done with all these relationships" I added and Zamil left from there.


For few months I avoided Abbas as well as Zamil. I asked Abbas to stay away from me but he was coming to Richa's home every now and then, he was doubting on me but still trying to took me back with himself. After few months I demanded for divorce because I was frustrated with his continous chasing but he refused. I wanted to get rid of him in every possible way. In the end without leaving any way I accepted what Zamil told me long back.

I filed a case against Abbas that I was a minor at the time of marriage and then I wanted to terminate that Marriage but he wasn't letting me go! That case indirectly came under POCSO act, which send Abbas behind the bars. I never wanted to do so but...

He stayed behind the bars for almost six months, then one day I went to meet him and told him to get agree for divorce. Abbas got agree and I withdraw that case. He went back to his village and never come back, I was living with Richa, and for my livelihood I started assisting some advocate as well as I started working as a typist. Zamil was still after me, but I didn't want to marry him.

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