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That's been two month when I took admission in BA. LLB, it's like a dream coming true for me. Sitting in my room I was making notes, but my eye lids started getting heavy. As the clock hands were showing 10:30 and I use to sleep early at night. I had adopted city lifestyle but still a villager side was present in me, I wasn't like my friends who use to party for whole night and sleep for half day.

That night also wasn't different for me, placing my book on correct place I lay down on my bed after adjusting my head on not so soft pillow. A smile made its way to my lips after remembering how I enjoyed whole day. We four went to have lunch, in the all those memories of my friends I didn't realise when I entered in the land of nod.
But my slumber was short-lived because after some time I felt disturbance in my room, though my slumber wasn't allowing me to open my eyes but the commotion pushed to open my eyes and....

"Happy birthday to you"
"Happy birthday to you"
"Happy birthday dear Shama"
"Happy birthday to you"

I was really amazed to witness Richa, Vihaan and Zamil in my room and a big grin captured my lips.

"Thank you so much" I tried to say loudly but only small whisper came out from my mouth and Richa placed a small pine apple cake in front of me.

"Come on birthday budiya cut the cake" Vihaan hooted and I  was gawking at him but Richa giggled as so Zamil.

{Budiya = old lady}

"You remembered my birthday!" I exclaimed and Richa nodded with a proud smile on her face, I was truly on ninth cloud that Richa keep remember my birthday.

"Oh hello... You didn't even remember the month, birthday is a far away thing" Vihaan lightly glare Richa and she eyed him back.

And then I got to know from Vihaan that Actually Richa didn't remember my birthday but Zamil noticed my date of birth when I was submitting my documents at the time of admission.

"It's not a small deed that you are remembering my birthday and celebrating it" I thanked both the boys and hugged Richa.

Three of us were busy in chirping and chatting but Zamil was quietly standing in the corner of room.

"May I get the attention of pretty birthday girl?" Zamilsl's  loudly asked question grabbed the attention of we three, we watched him with confusion in our eyes. Taking few steps closer Zamil kneeled down in front of me. For a moment I was shocked, my smile was already gone and heart started pondering.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Lifting a beautiful red rose towards me Zamil asked with hopeful eyes and I forgot to breath for a moment. My heart skipped a beat or maybe two. I was dying from inside to accept that rose but only I knew how I stopped to obey the demand of my heart.

"Shama what are you waiting for?" Richa whispered after elbowing me but I was shocked to understand anything.

"I.. Sorry.. I can't"  I took a step backward, my lips were trembling as I was going to cry at any moment, but Zamil stood up and smiled while holding my both hands.

"For now I'm asking to become my girlfriend but after completing my studies I'll propose you to marry me" Zamil gave his clarification, maybe he was thinking that I was taking him wrong.

"I.. I Can't Zamil, I'm sorry but I can't accept your proposal." I mumbled and pulled my hands from his grip giving a big shock to Zamil as well as other two.

They three were amazed.. Zamil could be a dream guy for any girl, even mine too, but not every dream comes true. His handsome face, charming smile, wheatish complexion with perfectly grown stubble and moreover he was only son of a wealthy business man

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