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"Now be scared of your senior, they can do your ragging any time" Zamil told me in playful manner and I laughed lightly.

"If I have to be frightened of ragging then what is the benefit of having a senior friend?"  I rolled my eyes and Zamil smirked.

"Thank God, At least you admit me as a friend of yours!" He exclaimed with a dramatic sigh and I smiled.

"You're doing everything for me, how can't I consider as a friend!" I replied with a respectful manner, giving happiness to Zamil.

That's true Zamil was doing everything for me making his figure high in my eyes and heart, but somewhere I was controlling my heart to go towards him, as I knew what I was doing.

This teenager heart!

"Shama you never told me about your family and home" Zamil said and can bet that my eyes must lost their shine.

"What your father do? And how many siblings you are?" Zamil asked and Shama smiled sadly.

"My father was a farmer, but then I was fifteen years old he passed away, leaving me and my brother, sister orphan." I replied half heartedly and Zamil felt sad for me.

"I'm so sorry for this" He muttered

"So how you and your family are bearing all the expenses?" Zamil asked while walking towards the library of college along with me, we had to collect some books from there.

"Now everything is much better than other days as my brother is involved in transportation work so financial condition is better" I replied with a difficult smile and Zamil smiled too, but I didn't informed him that my brother was a truck driver and Abbas was only one who helped him to settle down in that work.

"That's good, but still it's strange that your family allowed you to come city, otherwise in rural areas people don't allow their daughters to study" I nodded on that.

"Actually my mother haven't send me to study but Abbas is the one who is supporting me for my studies" I replied in small voice and Zamil narrowed his eyes.

"Who's Abbas?" He asked and Shama open my mouth to told him about my husband.

Then I wasn't a minor so I didn't have to hide my marriage, and it would be better to tell everything so that we build a boundary in between us.

"Abbas is my h..." I open my mouth to inform him but my sentence was cut in between "What they both are doing?" Zamil asked when noticed Vihaan and Richa standing in the college garden and laughing like mads looking towards the door of college.

"How do I know?" I shrugged and Zamil smiled. "They both look so cute together, aren't they?" Zamil asked about Richa and Vihaan and I smiled with a nod.

"Indeed...." I replied, but somewhere a pang hot my heart after watching that adorable couple.

"What happened? Why are you laughing?" I and Zamil asked in unison while reaching towards them.

"See... We're laughing on that live joke" Richa replied and pointed out towards a man who was standing on road which is on the front side of college.

The highly overweight dark brown man was wearing an awkward baggy dark blue jeans with a loose non-ironed shirt, but even after its loose-fitting it's was unable to hide the  pot belly of that man. His dark black with few gray floppy hair was messily spread on his forehead and his black leather chappal was covered with dust. Standing in the sunny area he was sweating very much, so he was using a big towel like cotton hankey to wiping his forehead and face every now and then and again hanging that big cotton hankey on his shoulder.

Mohabbat Ki Kitaab (The Book Of Love) Where stories live. Discover now