31: Goh's Suicune

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Another short chapter because yes. What if I said the main characters will be characters I use from other places.

"Anyway, what's our plan?" Goh cut in.

"I don't know." Sophie's eyes flared blue. "But I know that there's something stalking us, and its not gonna be pretty."
Goh gulped, staring at the blonde with confusion. "What does that mean?"

"Turn around." Sophie shrugged her shoulders, pointing at something from behind her.

Oliver and Goh peered over. Standing behind their platinum blonde friend was a black, snarling creature, eyes glowing a dark red, black smoke pouring out of it.

They recoiled in fear fast. "Oh Arceus, not another Shadow Pokemon!" Goh sighed, readying a Pokeball, tossing out Cinderace.

"Did I miss a memo? When did Shadow Pokemon become legal again?" Sophie snipped. She quickly released Mawile.

"It won't be good for my psyche if I keep seeing them." Oliver frowned, releasing a Luxray onto the field.

A hazy look in it's eyes, Suicune charged at Cinderace, body glowing a dark black hue. "Quick, dodge it!" Chinderace leapt upwards, barely missing the attack. "Alright, Blaze Kick!" Cinderace slammed into Suicune, burning the Aurora Pokemon slightly.

"Power-up Punch!" Fists glowing with orange energy, Mawile smashed into the Water Legendary, gaining a guttural growl out of it.

Suicune retaliated, sending out a torrent of water that blasted Cinderace into a tree. Groaning, the Striker Pokemon got up and sent a ball of electricity at it, winding it.

"Thunder Fang!" Luxray bolted at the Water Type, attacking with ferocity.

Suicune growled, and released a high-pressure beam of water at Mawile. "Flash Canon!" Mawile released a beam of metallic energy from her mouth.

The attacks collided, leaving a small explosion in it's wake. Suicune howled.

"How do we stop Shadow Pokemon? We can't keep fighting them!" Goh asked as Cinderace leapt over shards of ice.

"The only real way is to purify them." Oliver explained as Luxray charged at Suicune. "But I've only heard of people doing it."

"Well all we can do is try, right?" Sophie shrugged. "Mawile, Power-up Punch!" Mawile socked Suicune hard, knocking it off balance and into a shaken stupor. "Alright now someone has to try."

"Cinderace, Pyro Ball!" As Cinderace began to juggle a ball of fire between his knees, said ball of fire became infused with a glowing light.

Everyone looked on with astonishment as Cinderace swung the ball at Suicune. The ball collided, resulting in Suicune screeching from the burning light.

"Wh-what was that?" Oliver yelled, pointing at the Suicune who had returned to its original blue colour. "Is it still Shadowed?"

"No clue." Sophie shrugged.

Silent, Goh walked up to the snarling creature. And, instead of attacking, he knealt down, taking its face into his palms, and consoling the creature.

"You're alright..." Goh hummed, smoothening out Suicune's fur. The creature hissed and growled, thrashing about, threatening to bite the teen's head off.

(Sophie and Oliver winced as Suicune let out a startling roar.)

"It's okay..." Goh soothed. "I'll be here..." Suicune continued to cry, before abruptly heeling, the red in its eyes completely melting away. Goh sighed in relief, as did Sophie and Goh. He closed his eyes and allowed Suicune to fully calm down.
After some minutes of tranquility, he got up. Suicune, miraculously, didn't attack. Instead, it bowed down, almost signalling Goh to catch it.

Taking the hint, he tossed out a Love Ball. In a flash, Suicune was caught. Goh picked up the Pokeball and eyes it intently as his Pokedex reviewed its data.

"Whadd'ya know." Sophie said, walking up to Goh with a slight smile. "Looks like you just tamed a beast."

Goh returned the smile. "It's kinda cute."

"Strange. First with Altaria, now with Cinderace..." Oliver muttered to himself. Could this be connected to Yohioloid and that Shadow Mewtwo...

"Well good on you, Goh!" Sophie patted his back.

"T-thanks, I guess?"

"Well, it's getting late and I bet staying here means more fighting so, I'm off." Sophie announced, returning Mawile and instead released Ho-oh.

Goh looked up at the sky, the blues starting to fade into a dark, cool purple. He shrugged. "Count me in." Pushing himself up, Goh landed on Ho-oh's back, petting the Rainbow Pokemon gently. "Oliver, you coming?"

"Yea, you're headed to the hotel too, right? I can drop you off."

Oliver nodded. "Alright." With that the trio, plus Ho-oh, took off into the ever-dark Galagon night sky, a trail of yellow sparkles burning behind them.
"I didn't expect that." Ash admitted, watching from the Plateau balcony. "Granted, it wasn't what I thought would happen."

Serena nodded her head, agreeing. "It's just like what Arceus's said in the legends."

"Huh," Leon muttered. "That's strange. We've seen it happen twice, but there's still two more of the legend out there, right?"

"Yes, I wonder who they might be..." Ash sighed. "I do hope we'll meet them soon."
Perched atop a high branch, overlooking a ruined stone city, was a male with jet black hair, braided into two fish tails that sat atop his shoulders.

Held in his hand was an apple and a scuffed lyre, glowing a teal blue against the dark, war-torn landscape. Strumming the lyre caused a gust of wind to form behind him, whistling against the dead world he once cherished.

"Lumine... Amber..." He muttered. "I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you."

His Pokemon partner, a Sky form Shaymin, chittered sadly alongside him. "I know, I know Shay." The male wiped the beading tears in his eyes as he stood up.

"We have to find a way to fix this."
A young boy was busy working on his garden, plucking out weeds and planting in new plants. He had blonde hair, dressed in gardening overalls and a flower pin in his hair.

"We're almost done now, Liligant." He promised. "Then we can go out, okay?" His partner chirped happily. The boy grinned. "That's better."

The male looked up and sighed. "I hope Mari and Sunny are okay."
I am so sorry this took almost a month ahhh I've been thrown off course lately I hope this chapters okay. Anyway next chapter: the nightmare of Galar ends as Sophie and Goh do the one thing most people wouldn't do, battle a Legendary Pokemon.

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