4: Master's Tournament

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Quick reminder that Hop does not exist here and Goh is Leon's apprentice. Goh is the same age as Sophie at 13 and has completed his journey already. Despite that, his main Pokemon, Rabboot is a Scorbunny. Plus, I am bad at British slang because I am Asian. Anyway, I made Goh a little shy so have that. And this chapter is really long.

Sophie's gaze was caught on the quaint town of Lomyuu. Snow blankets the roofs of the brick houses, draping over the commerce centre and Lomyuu Gym-Housing the fifth Delta, Deku the Poison specialist.

Powdered snow drifted from the blades of, the helicopter, winds picked up speed around the same time, causing the flakes to flutter endlessly.

She was currently on her way to the tournaments location. Her parents had left a few hours before her, and the only glimpse she had of them was when they were waking her up.

The window of the helicopter was endlessly pelted by pellets of snow, outside a hazy mixture of whites and blues.

Sophie yawned drowsily into her palm. Her attire for the day was a ruby laced gown with the upper half a
mahogany jacket. She brushed out the skirt slightly and sighed.

Sylveon slept again in her lap, ribbons free-flowing with the wind. Meanwhile, her Comfey was sat around Mawhile's neck, the Deceiver Pokemon just sat awkwardly on the ground.

It would be a long time before she reached her destination.
"OWCH!" Max hissed. The blue clad boy, still young due to a wishful encounter with Jirachi, had slipped on the wet surface of the Lomyuu floor.

His face creased with pain, clutching his knee that collided with the surface, cursing the 'Arceus-forsaken' Region.

"This stupid frozen-ass wasteland! Who's the genius who thought battling here was a good idea!?" He howled into the frozen tundra. His companions, to which you, viewer, may recognize as Ash's old friends, all moaned at his antics.

"Max." May breathed, rubbing at her temple in agony. "Stop. Fricking. Grumbling!" May flicked his forehead, causing a few passer-bys to stop and watch the scene unfold.

"You're causing a scene," Misty frowned. Her arms snaked around Max, pulling him off the ground.

"We've gotta go, we don't have time for any-"

"FRICK THIS TUNDRA! STUPID COLD-ASS REGION! WHAT KINDA MORON SETS UP CIVIZATION HERE?!" Iris screeched, swiping the falling snow out of her mauve braids.

"And there we go again." Misty sighed, smacking her forehead at her companion's idiocity. "I really need new friends." She hissed.

"Well, according to my Region Connisuer expertise, the barrier that was set up here years ago by the fleeing Aura Guardians was so strong that even sunlight couldn't make it through. So, it snows. The people here have an artificial form of light. 'S Pokemon named Soradion. It's a phoenix of some sorts, usually depicted with glowing wings and white eyes."

"It's mythed that the heavy snowfall is the result of it flaking away and dying." Cilan stated. "Such an interesting ingredient in the Regional special chowder!" He clapped his mitten-covered hands.

Now, most of the locals were eyeing the scene, snapping photos and mocking the group. Misty growled, face flushed the same colour as her hair. "Shut up and go back to whatever you pale creeps do." She threatened, fangs bared whenever she could.

"We're causing quite the scene." Dawn muttered, sipping from her strawberry latte, frowning at her rowdy group of friends. "If we keep this up, we'll be kicked outta here for sure." Sighed Dawn.
The heavy buzz of the chopper's blades whirred Sophie out of her sleep. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Sophie glanced out the window, eyes falling upon a certain group of individuals.

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