3: Beta Meeting

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Yes, I'm back on my bullshite, and I'm gonna be starting another Fanfic that is purely comics. It's overwatch so enjoy~ Also heads up, I'm sorry for everyone who played swsh, but Leon's brother in this uhm AU? Universe? isn't Hop. It's Goh from the Journey's anime. This is because I would not like to write British Slang, Goh needs more recognition and Hop doesn't exist in Journeys anime alongside Leon.

Sophie Aurora Ketchum...

The name was all too familiar with the Galagon Locals. The spunky Beta was known for her reserve and biting remarks, yet still having a soft underside.

Sophie never had a big social group, just being close friends with Sapphire was good enough. The two began dating after Sophie finished her journey, but ended their relationship after 2 years as they knew the Region did not want the future Alpha to be LGBTQ as the Region still was not accepting of it.

Sophie sighed, fully dressed in her usual get-up, and pressed her face deeper into her pillow. It was total anarchy in her bedroom. Apparently, Mawhile, the sick little bastard, had found it very funny to hose off Litten and Houndoom, and the three were currently duking it out inside her bedroom.

'Nyaa!' Litten cried, dodging the incoming metallic energy and rebounding back into Mawhile, body wrapped in a case of fire.

Mawhile leapt upwards, dodging the attack and slamming down with her maw onto Litten. Then Houndoom screeched, and scorching hot flames engulfed Mawhile. Mawhile leapt out off the way and the three continued to battle.

Meanwhile, Comfey was busy bothering her Flareon as usual, and the fox would periodically snarl at her.

"Gosh dammit, Mawhile just take a hit." Sophie muttered.

'You're kidding right? You want Me to TAKE DAMAGE? Like, no flipping way!' Mawhile countered, using her maw to backflip into Houndoom, and socking her hard against her jaw.

"Do it so they leave you alone you dumbass." Sophie snapped, petting Sylveon in her arms. She winced, as Mawhile's punch sent Litten against the wall.

'You are not getting away!' Litten roared, or mewled due to his size. Although Litten was technically mature age-wize, his body did not mature alongside him, so his features were as if he were younger.

'Oh yeah!?' Mawhile countered back, maw clamping down on Litten's tail. She then spun around, before releasing and slamming her maw against him.

Then, Houndoom charged at Mawhile, body ablazed, and Litten who happened to be in the way. As did Mawhile, maw glowing a bright white. Litten ducked down, trying to avoid any pain, and he did.

The two Pokemon were sucked away. Litten was shocked, before looking around.

"Mawhile, Houndoom return!" Sophie stood to the side, Pokeballs resting in her hands. "This should teach you to behave," Sophie snarled, and tucked the two Pokeballs into her bag, alongside the rest of her Pokeballs.

Then, she flopped onto her bed, the room becoming much quieter than usual.

"Hey Sophie, we gotta go." Came her dad's voice. "Everyone'll be waiting for us."

"Y-yep! Coming dad!" Sophie stuttered, stumbling to her feet and brushing off her dress.

Sighing, she brushed away loose strands of hair and ambled slowly out the room, Sylveon following closely behind.

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