9: Abrupt Crisis

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Do you guys mind the swearing? I hope not because this one has alot. I mean I could turn it down if you guys wanted to.

"H-hi Scorbunny..." Goh said, greeting the said rabbit Pokemon. He and Sophie had decided to visit the poor creature after their encounter the previous day.

'What's with this one? Why does he sound so shy?'

"Yeah, I ask myself that all the damn time." Sophie muttered.

'Shut your trap, human. It was a rhetorical question.'

"The name's Sophie, if you haven't caught, so stop calling me 'human'."

"Y-you guys sh-shouldn't fight.."

'No one asked for your opinion, weakling.'

"Ok. W-wack."

"If you don't mind me asking, who is-was your trainer?"

'She's a Sinnoh girl, around your age, black hair with green eyes. That bitch left me because I couldn't battle or do performances.'

"Weird. S-scorbunny are n-natural b-battlers." Goh's own Scorbunny nodded in agreement, jumping to a fighting stance.

'I...I don't like battling. I can't use a Fire move. That's why she left me. She said I...was worthless and pathetic. She's right, though. What kinda Fire-Type is unable to use a Fire move?'

"I guess that is weird, since I am able to summon fire with Aura."


"It's basically the essence of life. Everyone has it, but not everyone can manifest and utilize it. Aura users use different types of aura. I'm both defensive and offensive, dad's the same, but mom's a healer. I manifest Aura like Psychic energy, but can use Fire. Dad usually relies on Electricity and Water."

'I have no idea about what you've said, but that's nice.'

"I know how it feels like to be abused.." Goh muttered under his breath, before feeling Sophie's searching eyes on him.

"Nothing!" He raised his hands in defense.

"Okay...but what else about your trainer do you remember?"
Ash had been tipped off by one of the guards that there was criminal activity taking place in a clearing off Lomyuu forest. Now, he, Serena and Bonnie, were heading to investigate.

Nearing the clearing, he spotted a familiar figure, standing at the clearing, clearly waiting for something.



Ash and company quickly rushed for the ravenette, meeting him in the evening sun-lit clearing. It really was Alain, with his Mega-Charizard standing beside him. Ash's face became a mixture of hurt, anger and relief.

"What are you doing here?" Alain asked.

"Finding criminals. What about you, traitor?!" Bonnie spat with venom.

"I...saw you guys headed here and wanted to meet you guys."

"Mairin said you wanted to talk to me."

"I do. I'm sorry, that I betrayed you."

"Yeah, but sorry doesn't excuse the hurt and mental grief you idiots caused me."

"I know, but there's a reason I betrayed you. Same reason I 'betrayed' you back during the Team Flare fiasco."

Ash's eyes widened, gasping, "You were forced to?! Liar!"

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