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Johnny POV:
i heard a faint ringtone coming from the back of the practice rooms which i sort of recognized and decided to follow the sound. if it wasn't so quiet down here and i wasn't fully listening out for hyuck i probably never would have heard it that's how faint the sound was. after a few seconds it went off and a few seconds later a different ringtone started playing this one i immediately recognized as hyucks ringtone for jungwoo.

i ran into the room and when i opened the door there hyuck was unconscious. i ran to his phone that was still plugged into the speaker sure enough i was right it was jungwoo and  i answered the call

*jungwoo and johnny on the phone*
"HAECHAN ?! HAECHAN IS THAT YOU?" jungwoo screamed i could hear noises in the background and running getting closer to the phone
"no it's not it's johnny i found hyuck call tae and tell him i found hyuck and to meet me at our dorm." With that i hung up and ran to haechans side.

"haechan bub please wake up" i said shaking him.
his face was red his shirt was wet from sweat. i don't know how long he's been out and he need to get to hospital or the doctor or somewhere.

i grabbed him and picked him up carrying him bridal style and ran to the elevators and struggled to push the button for the 11th floor while carrying hyuck but i managed.

as soon as the doors opened i saw the members and even members from other groups in the hall and as soon as they saw the door open i swear i it was like i could SEE the rush of relief go over them. i walked out of the elevator and i got the dorm where the rest of the members were at. i saw our managers all in there as well.

i walked by them all and into haechans room and sat him on his bed. i was followed by 2 worried leaders and our 127 managers. once i set him on the bed i rushed out to get a bowl of ice water and a rag not stopping to talk to anyone.

i wlakee back in to taeyong crying onto kun and the managers talking about something with eachother. i walked over to haechan who was still passed out and places the cold rag on his head.

Author POV:

once johnny set the rag on haechans head he instantly woke up. and they have never been so happy to see their ball of sunshine awake in their lives. all the boys were crowded around the door when he awoke.
"...hyung?.." hyucks voice was hoarse.
"haechan ? haechan hey bub." taeyong rushed to haechans side he was about to ask what happened when the managers asked everyone to leave.

we walked out of the room and they shut the door behind us. thats when johnny was bombarded with questions.

"johnny hyung where was he?"
"hyung is he okay"
"what happened"
"how he he?"
"why wasn't he awake"
"GUYS! enough. let the poor guy breath for a second and ask one question at a time my god have i taught you all nothing." taeyong said getting all the members attention as well as a few sorrys directed at johnny.

Johnny POV:

"hyung where was he?" jisung asked for first
"he was down in the practice rooms but he was all the way in the back in a room most of us probably didn't even know existed." i answered him

"is he gonna be okay?" jaehyun was the next to ask.
"he should be jae."

"what happened?" chenle asked started to cry again when jaemin grabbed him in a hug.
"i don't really know i heard his ringtone for someone then i heard his ringtone for jungwoo then when i opened the door he was unconscious on the floor with his phone still plugged in and everything. i'm guessing he over worked himself."

"how is he hyung?" hendery asked next
"he's awake. he woke up as soon as i touched the rag to his head."

Author POV:

taeyong stood up from his seat and walked to the center of the living room.

"so i know we are all worried about hyuck but he's in good hands with the managers it's later and none of you have eaten yet either. i'll order a bunch of pizzas and you all are welcome to eat here and stay the night. it's been an emotional day and i understand if you would prefer to be in your own dorms but if not you are MORE then welcome to stay here just let me know what you are doing after dinner so i can get pillows and blankets for the ones who want to stay. of course you can room with a 127 member in their rooms but eventually the rooms will fill out and some will sleep in the living room. so try to relax there's a back room to the left as well with another tv so y'all can just do whatever till the pizza gets here." taeyong said and went to his room to order the pizza

after a while all of the members were still at the dorm and decided to stay the night. some were talking with eachother since they weren't together often. there was a serious battle of mario cart going on in the back room. some members have already gone to bed since they were emotionally drained. at about 2am everyone was in their proper sleeping spots. all the 127 members slept in their own rooms but there were other members from different units sleeping with them. members were scattered all over the place in other members rooms, in the living room, and in the back room the rooms weren't huge so only one extra member could stay in a 127 members room. after the rooms filled up the rest rook the living room and back room to sleep in, Lucas, jaemin, and chenle were the only ones in the front room everyone else went to the back though but they happily slept in the main room because they weren't going to be supervised by any of their hyungs

well lucas was technically one of jaemin and chenles hyungs but he never acted like to so the three were basically in supervised, or they would be after johnny went to bed.

johnny hasn't been to his room yet he was still in the main room waiting for their mangers to leave so he could go in and sleep.

my god this is a long chapter- 1119 words

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