the end ?

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wrapping up the story up !!

2 weeks later-

johnny and hyuck hadn't confessed to eachother and at this point everyone else was just waiting for the day they would.

it was painfully obvious they liked eachother but they weren't doing anything about it so jaehyun and mark took it upon themselves to do something.

"no come on please" jaehyun begged the older to let him borrow his book even though he doesn't read.

"fine it's in my room hold on." johnny said leaving the living room to get it completely oblivious to his younger teammates plan.

jaehyun following right behind the older, as soon as he was infront of the door jaehyun pushed him in and stuck a chair under the doorknob so johnny couldn't get out.

"what the fuck?" johnny shouted banging on the door.

"NO STAY IN THERE" jaehyun shouted back and walked away.

turning around johnny was met with hyuck who was staring at him with a eyebrow raised confused at what was happening. until he got the text

watermelon boy

m: confess. until you do you both won't be coming out.

haechan looked at the older boy who was now sitting on his own bed looking at his phone with a flushed face.

"johnny?" hyuck called out quietly. almost to quiet for the other to hear

"yea hyuck?"

"ummm i know how to get us out of here." he said looking down

"and how's that?"

"mark um...mark wants me to say something and uh and then um after i do we c-can leave" he stuttered out embarrassed

"then tell me" johnny got up from his own bed sitting onto hyucks facing him

"i god i don't wanna do this i um you see it's really a funny story because this wasn't ever meant to happen"

"hyuck spit it out"

"don't rush me you bitch" haechan bit back

"okay okay sorry" he raised his hands up in defense and chuckled

"umm you can't hate me after this you gotta promise because if you hate me i won't know what to do and i'll kill mark for making me tell you and that also means no more night time cuddles and i really don't want that so please just don't hate me you can't hate me please" hyuck said almost in tears thinking that one of his favorite people in the world will hate him

"hyuck. i will NEVER hate you ever. even if you killed someone i wouldn't do just tell me if it will make you feel better after you tell me i'll act like i don't even know"


....i like you"

"maybe like isn't the word um because Mark needs me to tell you so i'll tell you the truth. i love you i love you more then anything in the entire world and i love everyone about you i love how you protect me and have always protected me since i was a trainee you're the only one who won't treat me like glass ever and you stayed with me when i was at my lowest johnny i'm so insanely in love with you that hurts because you don't feel like same and all the cuddles and the hugs and the nicknames are all platonic for you but johnny i want it to be romantic i want you do think of me as more then just you're little brother. i'm sorry if i just ruined everything and i definitely said way to much and now i'm rambling and i don't know how to stop so please cut me off whenever you want because i won't-" hyucks rambling was finally cut off by johnny

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