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(look at the fan art 🥺🥺🥺 it's so cute)

hyuck woke up before the sun was even up. when he opened his eyes he saw johnny sleeping peacefully next to him. shirtless. was it a big deal ? no. but something about it made his anxiety rise.

he grabbed his phone and saw it was only 5am. they had to be up in an hour for rehearsals. his breathing got heavier and quicker. he sat up slowly so he didn't wake up johnny and climbed out of bed.
he walked out of the room to see if anyone was up.
luckily for him taeyong was.

"tae- taeyong hyung?" haechan said in the softest tone anyone has ever heard.

"hyuck ? what are you do up."
"i cant- i- i- ca" haechan couldn't even get the words out
"hyuck what's wrong?"
"johnny...bed....sleep...help" haechan started to breath quicker and quicker after each word

taeyong didn't know what was happening but to him it looked like hyuck was on the verge of a panic attack. taeyong quickly grabbed him and guided him into his room which was occupied by jaehyun and jungwoo who were sleeping peacefully on their bed.

(PAUSE lemme tell y'all the sleeping arrangements because the sleeping arrangements correspond with the ships/relationships that will in this book 🙃
so it's,

taeyong x jaehyun x jungwoo in one room
yuta x mark in another room
taeil x doyoung in one room
haechan x johnny in the last room

yes those are the ships i will be issuing and i added jungwoo to the jaeyong ship cause i didn't want him with lucas since they are in different units and this just makes things easier

ANYGAYS back to the story ✨)

when taeyong entered with a hyperventilating hyuck both boys in the room that were sleeping instantly woke up.

"hyuck what's going on you need to talk to me." taeyong said
"i- he- cant" hyuck tried to explain but even he didn't know why he was being like this
"okay breath with me. follow my breaths"

haechan did as taeyong said and followed his breaths breathing in through his nose out through is mouth with him. after a few minutes he calmed down. jaehyun and jungwoo just watched everything play out until he was calm.

"bubba?" jaehyun called softly causing both tae and hyuck to look over to them not realizing they were awake. "come here" jaehyun patted his lap.

haechan didn't even hesitate to get up and strattle jaehyuns lap. which surprised all of them again he never did this with any body. haechan put his head in the crook of jaehyuns neck with his legs wrapped around his waist.

"hyuckie do you wanna tell us what happened?" jungwoo said while rubbing shapes onto hyucks back.

"i cant tell you." hyuck said with his head still in jaehyuns neck.

"why not?" taeyong asked wanting to know the reason their maknae was in this state.

"cause i don't know what happened."

"what do you mean hyuck?" this time it was jaehyun asking

"i mean i don't know. i woke up and just panicked"

"well what happened when you woke up. did you have a bad dream? did something happen when you first woke up. did something scare you?"

"mmmm i guess"

"can you tell us?"

"i'll tell you." hyuck said as he pointed to taeyong.
hyuck climbed off of jaehyun and walked over to tae who was sitting in a chair next to the bed. he bent down to whisper in his ear.
"i woke up and johnny was in my bed" that was NOT the statement he was expecting to hear at all.


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