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tw: mention of cutting 😔

after taeyong yelled at johnny that day things changed for the boy. he started to stick to johnny more, talk to johnny more, do things with johnny more and of course johnny didn't mind the boy he had a crush on wanted to spend time with him.

however the rest of the boys had no idea what was going on.

they watched at johnny and hyuck would sneak off from practice together, would always be laughing together, would sit together during movie nights. everything johnny wanted with the boy (minus the kissing 😔✋) johnny was finally getting.

but this just caused johnny's feeling to get bigger. of course he tried to deny them he tried to deny the fact that he had these feelings but after he realized that he truly did love his maknae like this
he got scared for any of the others to find out.

/time skip. neozone promotions have finished and the members are back on a week break\

johnny started to pull away from what him and hyuck were doing. he started ignoring the younger unless he had to talk to him, stopped cuddling with him, stopped sneaking off with him, started sitting next to mark instead of hyuck during movie nights.

of course this caused haechan to be confused and his anxiety to act up and instead of going to mark and talk to him like he said he would. he fell back into his bad habits. he went back to over working himself, cutting, not eating.

all this went unnoticed by everyone including mark. hyuck seemed fine to everyone. everyone except taeyong. taeyong saw how exhausted the boy looked and how he wouldn't eat and would disappear into the bathroom for long periods of time.

taeyong also found out hyuck was lying a lot. lying about where he was going and what he was doing. saying he was going to go run errands but went to the gym and worked out. said he was going to dream practice but instead went and over worked himself alone in the practice rooms.

finally taeyong had had enough of letting this happen. one night he sent out a mass text to the entirety of the nct members all 20 (sorry i won't be adding sungchan and taro since they aren't in a unit yet :/ ) other members saying there was to be a physical evaluation the next day but would only be with the doctor as the physical exam was happening.

/the next day\

one by one members made their way into their big practice thaf wold be able to fit all 21 of them. after they all were there taeyong started to speak.

"okay listen up guys. this is nothing serious basically just a physical evaluation make sure everyone is in good shape to continue practice next week this meaning injuries that no one has told others. no one is going to be present besides the doctor as you are being checked out after you are all done you may head back to your own dorm or come to the 127 dorm for a movie day. i must let you all know that after each one of you is examined i will be getting your reports to make sure everything is okay with you guys as the leader. unit leaders will go first then we will continue being evaluated in age order oldest to youngest. i case you aren't aware of the order i will tell you guys now.

me, kun, mark, taeil, johnny, yuta, doyoung, ten, jaehyun, winwin, jungwoo, lucas, xiaojun, hendery, renjun, jeno, haechan, jaemin, yangyang, chenle, and finally jisung yoy will be last.

any questions?"

not getting a response from anyone about questions the examination started. taeyong walked into a separate room and was just given an physical exam make sure he was okay to continue practicing finally he was asked to strip and once he did he was cleared to continue the following week.

"sir?" taeyong said as he was getting dressed again.

"yes taeyong" the doctor said as he finished filling out his report.

"everyone is going to get the same eval right?"
"yes, why"
"so you will do a body check on all of them?"
"yes, why?"
"just making sure."
"i'll be back later to get all the reports, bye hyung"

taeyong left the room and went to the practice room again, everyone was talking amongst themselves, the younger ones playing around while the older ones caught up with eachother. once kun saw that tae was back he left for his evaluation.

soon enough the practice room was left with just the dreamies plus yangyang as they were the youngest of the group. everyone else had went to the 127 dorm to hang out for the day since it was still only 10 in the morning.

finally hyucks turn came up, he looked nervous but went in anyway. after his examination the doctor told him to strip.

"do i have to"
"yes donghyuck"

he was hesitant but he did anyway knowing what was to come.

"dear god." the doctor said when he saw hyucks stomach.

"hyuck i can't just let this one slide by. i'm setting you up with a psych evaluation for the coming few days to get THIS whole thing to stop." the doctor said in a concerned yet formal voice as he wrote down on his chart.

"get dressed and head out."

so hyuck did. he wasn't happy about this. if he got diagnosed then he would have to fully accept that he was fucked up. but if he was diagnosed he would get meds that would be able to calm himself down and get rid of the bad thoughts.

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