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"hyuck please don't do this." johnny pleaded

"johnny. i'm doing this. i cant take any of you anymore. i'm so sick of it." hyuck told him grabbing a bag out of his wardrobe

"hyuck please don't leave you can't leave. the comeback is over you will be with the dreamies constantly hyuck we won't ever see you." johnny was practically on his hands and knees begging haechan to stay

he was right. the dream comeback was around the corner meaning hyuck would never see the 127 members not for at least 2 months when he starts preparing for his next comeback with them. but he didn't care he needed a break to be treated like a normal person.

"johnny stop you look pathetic like this." hyuck told the older coldly

"THEN LET ME LOOK PATHETIC. you can't leave."



the real reason johnny didn't want him to leave was that he didn't know if he would even be able to sleep with out the younger in his arms. they have slept in the same bed for weeks. they were closer then they have ever been. johnny was in love with him.




everyone was hearing what was going on in their room but no one dared to enter not even taeil.




"no ! do you need me to say it in english for you to understand that i'm not fucking staying in this stupid dorm with you fuckers."

"fine then go."  that definitely caught hyuck of guard

"n- wait what?"

"i said go. you wanna go stay with the dreamies then go. but if you leave nothing will be the same when you come back."

"fine then."

haechan grabbed his packed bag and texted their manger that he needed to speak with him as soon as possible, he got a response almost immediately saying he was near their dorm anyway and he would be on his way now.

no one was happy about this. it wasn't like he was leaving nct but they wouldn't see him for 2 months and they hurt them all. taeyong feels like he failed a leader and everyone else feels like they failed as a older brother.

when haechan made eye contact with them all no one said a word. no one except one person. taeil. he got up from where he was siting and walked over to the boy and gave him a hug

"came back soon okay? i'll miss you. text us, or atleast me and don't let the dreamies bug you to much. bye bub." taeil whispered in his ear as he let go and walked back to the couch

haechan didn't stay to get hugs from anyone else that's even if they were going to hug him. he walked to the door. looked at them one last time and left.


im starting to hate this story :/ 

idk if i want to continue it....

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