asian hate

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as someone who takes part in asian culture i would feel wrong to not speak on this.

yesterday a man in atlanta went into three separate beauty salons and shot and killed 6 asian woman because he wanted to put an end to his "sexual temptation".

a white man attacked a 75 year old asian lady who was trying to cross the street. luckily for her she ended up just injured and not killered. the attacker however ended up needed to be stretchered in an ambulance to the hospital which is what he deserves.

asian hate crimes have severely spiked since covid 19 for the simple fact that asians are being accused and harassed since it was called "the asian virus"

it is NOT the asian virus it a virus that is effecting many and is not the asian communities fault. so blaming an ENTIRE community for something is ignorant.

i won't be silent and watch people die and get beaten just because of their race.

do what you can to support the asian community.

donate, support them, speak out about what's happening, if you see something happening on the streets and you are able to intervene then please be safe but try to help out a stop to it.

asian lives matter.

they always have.

they always will.

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