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"HE WAS WHAT?" taeyong shouted loud enough to get the boys attention but not loud enough to wake any one else up.

"i will kill him. that's what i'll fucking do i'll murder that son of a bitch." taeyong was FUMING he didn't need anymore explanation he was pissed.

"hyung calm down." jungwoo said getting up to go to taeyong with jaehyun right next to him to do the same thing.

"you don't get to tell me to calm down when you don't even know what the fuck happened." taeyong said coldly

"hyung please it's okay he just startled me." hyuck pleaded

"he??? what's going on?" jaehyun asked who was more confused then he already was.

"hyuck woke up to johnny in his bed with him." taeyong said

"EXCUSE ME?" jungwoo and jaehyun were now both just as furious.

an unspoken rule was do not push hyuck to do anything. everyone is aware that hyuck is extremely uncomfortable with anything revolving skinship or touching. that means holding hands, hugging, cuddling, sex, ANYTHING.

"it's fine, it just startled me don't make a big deal please." hyuck pleaded with all three of them.

"he cause you to have a fucking panic attack that's not fine." taeyong said

as soon as he said that all three of his hyungs walked out of their room and stormed off to find johnny. when they go to their room all four boys walked in and sure enough johnny was passed out on hyucks bed.

"WAKE UP YOU DUMB BITCH." taeyong shouted this time loud enough to wake up everyone in the dorm. as soon as everyone heard it people came running to see what would happen.

of course tae didn't know the whole story he didn't know that hyuck ASKED him to sleep in bed with him but hyuck doesn't even remember him asking since he was so tired when he asked.

"what's happening?" mark said as he walked in on taeyong screaming at johnny with jaehyun and jungwoo right next to him. everyone just shrugged.

hyuck on the other hand was trying to pull taeyong back. it wasn't a big deal. it really wasn't.


"tae what you talking about calm down please stop shouting at him." taeil said pulling taeyong back from infront of johnny and out of the room. jaehyun and jungwoo were about to beat johnny's head in if it wasn't for yuta.

"ENOUGH. everyone OUT. i'm tired of waking up to people screaming jesus fucking christ i want every single person out of this god damn room in the living room in the next 5 seconds or i swear to god i will move in with the wayv unit." yuta said in a huff walking away from the room followed by everyone else except for two.

hyuck took this as his chance to go to johnny.

"haechan whats going on?" johnny asked confused and dazed and upset

"i woke up with you in my bed and had a panic attack. it wasn't your fault but taeyong is mad and then taeyong got very mad and told jaehyun and jungwoo and then they were all mad and i just- i'm sorry i shouldn't have said anything because i don't even know what happened it just startled me it wasn't a big deal i'm sorry johnny please don't be mad at me." haechan explained all in one breath

"JOHNNY AND HAECHAN GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE NOW" yuta screamed from the living room.

with out another word both boys got up and went into the living room.

"hyuck sit. johnny explain." taeil said grabbing hyuck and pulling him onto his lap. but shockingly hyuck got up from his lap and sat on the floor.

"nothing fucking happened jesus can y'all stop acting like i fucked the poor kid my god."

"language you dumb bitch" taeyong said coldly

"tae- nevermind" mark said "continue with less bad words and actually explain this time."

"hyuck fell asleep on the couch with us, when i carried him into our room and put him on his bed i was planning on sleeping in my own bed but when i set him down and went to walk away he grabbed my wrist told me to stay. so i showered, got dressed. and slept in his bed. when i did he cuddled into my chest and went back to sleep. that's all that happened now please can y'all stop acting like i committed a murder and move on with your lives?"

"then why was hyuck" tae was ABOUT to ask why hyuck was having a panic attack but was interrupted

"SHUT UP! be quiet stop speaking please dear lord taeyong don't say anything or I WILL move back in with the dreamies. you too" haechan said staring at the three boys that were aware of what happened and his state this morning.

"fine. whatever. just don't sleep with him again UNLESS he is full awake and asks. thank you. i'll make breakfast now." taeyong said and got up followed by doyoung who was going to help cook.

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