One Wish

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  Cold. That's the only thing that Sawamura can feel at this moment. The Knife that used to stab him 3 time now stuck on his side stomach. He can only lean on the bullpen wall while holding the baseball in his hand.

' I can't..move my leg... I'm so stupid to leave the my cellphone..but no one knows that this will happen...we just beat Inashiro then next week we'll be going to Koshien... Who would have thought at night practice I'll be stab by an unknown man saying that me becoming an Ace and Seido went to the national is a mistake...'

His vision become hazy, he can see and feel the pool of blood from around him. Sawamura can only hope that no one hurt.

"S.. Sawamura senpai!!!" A loud voice and sound of running person come closer when he look.

"O..kami kozou..."

"Senpai what...who did this to you?!! I'll call the ambulance!"
Okumura take out his handphone and call and ambulance he then call someone.


At the cafeteria...

" Asada have you seen Koshu?" Ask Seto coming back to the cafeteria.

" He just leave i think he have night practice with Sawamura senpai." Answer Asada.

" Practice? After competition?" Ask Miyuki.

"Damn he never listen is he? " Kuramochi follow with his usual chuckle.

The other third year and a first string second year still at the cafeteria to reflect on today match. But I suddenly a phone call came to Seto cellphone

" Koshu.. what are....huh?"

The plain shock Seto make the other curious. His body treble slightly while keep listening to the other person.

" Is it Okumura? What happened? Tell him to drag Sawamura back.."

" Sawamura senpai..." Seto cut off Zono senpai and look to the team.

" What.."

" Sawamura senpai been stab..."


At the Bullpen

"Ne... Okumura, can you voice in your cellphone..?" Sawamura said weakly.

" Yes, but you don't need to! Everyone gonna be here! Senpai will be fine!"

Sawamura try to beg with his eyes and Okumura can only take out his phone and start to voice record.

"Thank you... Ookami kozou...minna I'm sorry for worrying you all...just when we celebrate going to Koshien again...the person who did this is a man about 20-30 years old with a scar on his chin and elbow..he.."

"Sawamura senpai!"

Sawamura start coughing blood and his breathing start to get heavier..

" It's okay..let me continue...that man..he said that.. I'm not becoming an Ace and Seido going to Koshien is a mistake..."

" What..that!"

" That's becoming an Ace may look like and unbelievable thing for other people but... I'm glad.. whether it's a mistake or not..i can at least wear this number while helping us going to Koshien..."

" But i knew one thing... us Seido...going to Koshien.. is not...a..mistake.. that.. I'm i ask Ookami kozou to because.. I'm tired...I..used all my.. remaining my please tell to my family and Akagi team team...sorry and i love them...and...sorry that i can't be with you Koshien and thank you...for everything...I..never regret... coming you together..again.."

At that exact moment, Eijun breath his last breath and close his eyes while a small smile paste on his blood dripping lips.

When the team come to the Bullpen with the coach but it's already too late. They come seeing Okumura cry hard and screaming Sawamura name while grabbing Sawamura Shirt.

They all come closer and cry hard even coach and Rei. No one hiding their tears no one can says comfort sentence to the other and no one realized that Okumura hasn't turned the recording voice off.

At that time Seido baseball team has lost their sun..


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