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  The second chance he got, is something that he's grateful for cause not everyone got a second chance. And when he got back after accompanying his junior to Tokyo to visit his aunt by some miracle he managed to avoid himself and a pair of twin boy and girl that he try to save from getting hit by a pickup truck. Now, he have a question that lingering in his mind.

' What did I do in the past that made the god loves me? Well, it's not quite true since if the god love me he would not let me get killed in the past but then...'

"Onisan." The girl twin tug his shirt looked worried at him. Right now they're sitting at the park bench.

"Ah, sorry. Are you both okay? You guys sure didn't want to go to the hospital?" He asked worried while checking the small boy and girl.

"Ah, we're fine thank you for saving us um..."

"Ah, my name is Sawamura,  Sawamura Eijun you can call me  Ei-chan or.."

"Ei-ni!" Said the boy with excitement.

" Ya, sure. And you both are? Where's your parents?" Sawamura asked.

" I'm Haruna and my twin brother is Akito. And our parents..we don't have one, they die in a car crash 2 weeks ago so we live in an orphanage. "

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay  Ei-ni! We're fine now." Answer the boy  with a small smile while grab his twin hand.

' Now I feel bad, I'm sure they scared that they almost die at the same way as their parents...'

" So where do you guys live? I can at least  accompany both of you back."

" It's not far only  5 minutes walked you dont have to." Answer  Akito.

" No, I insist I can at least make sure you guys got back safely. " He Answer with a bright smile.

"Okay, thank you Ei ni!" Answer both of them.

  They walked hand in hand and when they arrived in front of a small  house , the Twin took a step back

"So...where is the..."

" Sawamura Eijun, it's a pleasure to meet you finally..." When he try to look back behind him, he can't find the twin and a loud cold voice can be heard from every direction so he can't find the source of it.

' What the...who's voice is that..? Where are they?!'

" Haruna! Akito! Where are you guys?! Oi! Are you the one who take them? Give them back!"

" Why should I kidnapped them? They never exist to begin with. I just made them to lure you to me." Answer the voice.

" You made them? What are you talking about? Who are you?!"

"'re asking the wrong question here. you should probably ask "what are you" don't you think? And Don't you think it's weird that you some how given the second chance but you didn't have to pay the price for it? I can Answer that for you too, If you want."

' How did...wait then the voice that I'm answering right now is not a human?'

" You should know I can read your mind but, I want You to ask me directly. If I remember correctly from their memory you're a straight forward kind of guy. "

" Their? Who are you talking about and what are you?"

" First of all, I'm supposed to be something that you human can't rely on. And just so you know you've die."

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