The One And Only

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   The moment Akagi steps out of the stadium, They went to their hotel, some of the junior from Akagi school help keep out the reporter from their first string especially Sawamura. So the first Akagi member which is the regular player hang out in Nobu's room.

"Just like always you became the star on every of our game Captain!" say Nobu who sit right next to Sawamura.

"It can't be helped you know, many people curious about where our Captain gonna be in high-school. " Answer Rui.

"So, now will you tell us what high-school would you attend to go to?" Wakana ask.

   Just when Sawamura about to tell them, there's someone knock at the door. There's  Akito and Natsume standing straight in the doorway when Nobu open the door. Akito will be the next Captain and Natsume will be the next vice captain when they the third years retire.

"Excuse us, but we would like to to inform that all the reporter has left due to the rain and they can't enter the hotel" Akito report just like an underling to the mafia boss.

"You know you don't have to be so stiff to us you know." Sawamura answer with a small smile.

"Hahahaha don't worry I'll fix that about him senpai, but there's 3 people 1 woman in her 20 and 2 boys look like a students wants to meet Captain outside the hotel." Answer Natsume.

"Me?" Sawamura point at him self confuse.

"Another scout maybe? You still haven't decided right?"

"What did they say?" Ask Nakaharu.

"They said they're from Seido high-school ."

'Finally, but if i remember correctly  shouldn't it be  Rei-chan only? My parents said that she came once but leave cause I'm not at home practicing at school..guess i really changed the future. '

"Wait, it's raining right?! You're telling me they stay oustide under the heavy rain?!"

He took a woman clothes and a skirt that he bought originally for his aunt that luckily the same age as Rei chan and 2 long pants and 2 shirt that he bought for him self when he enter seido.

'Well i can buy a new one tomorrow but the 2 boys...I hope this fit them..but who came?'

"Here, give this to them.Can you let them in and show them to the dining hall? I want to change my clothes first."



  After, the games end, they follow the group of reporter hoping to find the place where Akagi stay at. They got out of the car and try to enter the hotel but can't due to the security guards and some of Akagi student.

"Shit! How popular can he get?! Just look at this mass of reporter!" Kuramochi  mess his hair irritated.

"Well it's quite obvious  since they just win the national  a hour ago and not to mention the Captain and Ace  leave with his team counting his coach to answer reporter questions. " Miyuki answer with a small sigh.

'Is it just me or is this Sawamura  becoming more irritating ..?'

   Suddenly rain start pouring heavily the dark clouds is accumulated since after the game and start to pour it's load. The reporter immediately scram from the hotel back into their van realizing that their efforts may be in vain and left but, not for them.

"Kuramochi kun, Miyuki kun let's go back.." Rei ask the two boys who just stand straight not caring about their own self getting wet.

"Where's Sawamura,let us meet him!" Kuramochi said with a loud voice. But no one answer.

"We should at least get back to the car! You both pass out acouple of hour's ago we can't have you both have any fever!" Rei san try to make them understand that their both a crucial member of first string and Seido can't have their catcher and shortstop sick.

"Please let us meet him! We're from Seido and we have something important to tell him!" Miyuki for the first time in his life yell desperately.

' please...let us meet him...we can't lose him! We promise no matters what that this time we'll be there for him!'  Kuramochi  look straight to a couple of student and bow then Miyuki follow Kuramochi to bow.

' doesn't matter if he can't remember but please...he have to join Seido again his the one and only sun, our future Ace!'

  The students who seems to ignore them at first then look at each other and whisper 2 of them leave and 2 minutes later  3 of the students come over while each holding two umbrella.

"The Captain wants to meet you all and here's some clothes captain give you,  you all can change first at the bathroom. "


  Sawamura look at his own reflection and calmed his own heart that keeps on beating fast.

' This is it...the moment I've been waiting long last...i can have my second play with them again..even though they didn't have the same memory as's okay..'

  Someone knock at the door and when Sawamura open it, Wakana is standing right outside.

"Wakana, what is it?" Sawamura ask.

"I was thinking that we can both go to the dining hall together?"

"Sure " Sawamura answer.

  Wakana look at Sawamura face, and a small smile paste on her face.

'So...Eijun want to join Seido high-school...i guess from his bright smile that he held back he made up his has been a long time that i stayed by his side,but i guess it can't last forever ..'

"I want to watch your growth closely with my own eyes.." Wakana said with a small voice.

"Hm? What is it Wakana?" Sawamura ask confuse.

"Nothing it's just that...I.. want to let you know that no matter what school you choose or hardship that you will face even though we can't stay close with you, know that we'll always believe in you and do all that we can to help you so...please..don't forget about us...about me.."

"I know no matter what happen you guys will still believe in me and i promise that i won't ever forget..about Akagi and about what you have all sacrifice to make our dream comes true and you don't have anything to worry about, there's no way that I'll forget about you" He said with a small smile and link their pinky finger.

"Now then, let's meet your future team shall we?" Wakana smile and pull Eijun to meet them.


   Sorry for the late updates. I just finished my examination and finally got time to continue this story. Thank you for all your support and i hope you enjoy this story 😆😆😆


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