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  Everyone and anyone wish for a miracle once or twice in their life knowing that it's an impossibility to have. But, sometimes it's not. An hour ago he thought that he got a miracle but at this moment reality crushed down right in front of him.

"Kuramochi senpai?"

"Asada..what are you doing here?" He ask confused.

"Um..I've been asked by Kantoku to wake senpai up and we've been told to gather at the field right now so that we can all Apologize to Sawamura senpai parent." Asada aswer with a sad smile.

"Sure...I'll be there. You can go there first but, do you know where Miyuki is ?"

"Miyuki senpai is at the field already." Asada answer opening the door. He quickly put on his clothes and walk together with Asada to the field.

' to be a joke right? I mean Miyuki and i went back to the that the actual dream?'

  When they arrive at the field they saw something that even Kuramochi had a hard time to believe in. They Saw Miyuki  deep bow in front of the entire team and in front that appears to be Sawamura parents and Wakana with tears that running down his face.

"I'm's because of a Captain..I.. should have known..that something is not right."
Said Miyuki full of regret.

"What are you talking about senpai? It's my fault..I should have refuse Sawamura senpai offer...I should have arrive there earlier.." the usual stoic Okumura is nowhere to be found only a pale face boy with red eyes and tears coming out of his eyes.

" We didn't blame you at all for what happen to Eijun...nobody would think that this could happened.." said Eitoku Sawamura granpa with a sad smile.

" We had heard Eijun message form the voice recorder and i..we know that Eijun..enjoy his time're all precious to him. Till his last moment..he really never care for him self so...thank you for taking care of him all this time and please don't blame your self...cause I know that he doesn't want that." Sawamura mom said with a small smile reassuring them.

Kuramochi still confused about what happen and what to believe. Is his reality living in a world where Sawamura Eijun can no longer exist or is he just trying to believe that he is given a second chance to meet him again.

  Seido team and last year gratuated such as Chris senpai and some of other team player went to Nagano and attended Sawamura Eijun funeral. And when they got back with red eyes and dry tears each and everyone of them got back to their own room feeling tired.

  It's 11 pm and Kuramochi can't fall a sleep or rather he doesn't want to. He quietly went outside to get some fresh air. And he spot someone running at the field with a tire.

'Who is that...running at the field this late..' 

  When he approach that person...

"Sawa...mura?" He saw the person who supposed to be dead the other night is running with a tire but when he take a closer look, he can see through Sawamura body.

' a ghost..? Wait..'

" Sawa.."

"Yosh! That's probably do it for now, I should head out to the bullpen and wait for Ookami kozou.." Said Sawamura putting back his tire and headed to the bullpen.

He walked  Kuramochi direction and he walked past through him.

' Shit! Am I seeing things? Or is this a dream?...'

Kuramochi followed after him into the bullpen where he saw a man approach them.

" Sawamura Eijun?" Asked the man.

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