I'm Sawamura..Sawamura Eijun

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Akito came to the villa with a 45 years old man with a butler suit.

' Is that his...butler? Why would he bring his own butler we have more than 50 butler in this villa!' With a smile on Natsume face, he greet Akito.

" Good afternoon, Akito it's a pleasure to have you here with us. Unfortunately my parents currently busy with their work and probably be back late at night."

"...who are you again?" Akito look at him confused.

' Are you kidding me! You little..you're the reason I have to spend my time here accompanying you!'

" Is your brain alright? Should I call the doctor to check whether you have an amnesia or are you plainly can't use that brain of yours?" Natsume glare at him.

" You asshole! Did you just say that I'm stupid?!" When Akito about to pull Natsume collar, Akito butler hold his shoulder stopping him.

" Look I don't know why, you want to come all the way here but I only have one rule and that's unless my parents ask us to do anything together we keep our own space don't interfere with each other can you understand that?" Nastsume look at him asking for an answer.

"...got it." Akito answer.

" Good, then enjoy your stay. By the way my name is Natsume, keep mind name in mind at least for this 2 weeks."

Natsume walk back to his room and continue his studies on the law of algorithm.

' With this...I'll have some peace and quiet time for my studies...'

Well that peace didn't last for long by the time Natsume parent came to the villa the next morning, they're having their breakfast together ( + Akito)

" Akito, sorry that we didn't greet you by the time you arrived yesterday. My husband and I were busy with our new project. We should have been back last night but,turns out their something that we have to fix immediately. " Lila, Natsume mother said with a sorry look on her face.

" It's fine." Akito Answer without looking back at Lila.

" So, what do you boys do yesterday?" Dennis, Natsume father looking at the two of them.

At that moment both Natsume and Akito movement stop.

" Well...we spent our time...happily?" Natsume Answer while  mixing his soup .

" Why did you make it seems like a question? Akito what did you guysdo yesterday?" Lila asked.

" Well the thing is that...we spend our time...individually cause...we want too." Akito answer anxiously.

' So...how can a bastard like him be so honest?'

" You're saying that you didn't do anything together at all?" Dennis verify.

"..Yes dad."

" Well, we can't have that. We want you both to get to know each other better and that's why We're gonna introduce you both to someone tomorrow morning." Lila said full of determination.

" Who is it?" Natsume asked.

" You'll find out tomorrow,  but I'm sure that you can learn something from him. He's full of everything that you both lacked." Dennis answer with a little chuckle.

' lack? Me? Did I lack something? I thought that I could do anything perfectly though?' Natsume wonder.

The next morning...

Natsume and Akito currently in their own room putting on their formal clothes thinking that the person that their going to meet is some kind of  famous person or some scholar.

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