Losing him

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     Right, that's what Sawamura Eijun doesn't know. When he died the team fell into devastation knowing their ace and sun is no where to be found.

Okumura explained what happened when he get to the bullpen and played the recording voice.

The weak and soft voice of Sawamura Eijun keeping up to stay alive made all those hear it shed another tears. When they reach the last parting of Sawamura nobody can keep their voice quiet.

  As the captain, Miyuki tell the others to go back to their own room while the coach still talking with the police.

   Rei-chan is calling Sawamura family to deliver the sad news while holding her tears.

"Miyuki-kun, you can go back to your room. It's a tough night for all of us."

"Okay, night Rei-chan." Miyuki walk out from the coach room but then stop and see Kuramochi is leaning at his own door with his hand covering his face while he looks up.

"Kuramochi, what are you doing?"

" Miyuki, what... happen? How can he suddenly.." Kuramochi talk with a shaken voice.

" I don't know..." Miyuki can only answer that cause nobody would have thought that the night after they qualify they lost their ace.

" You should go back to your room Kuramochi."

"...Got it." Kuramochi stand up and enter his own room.

   The moment Miyuki want to enter his own room, he stop. Miyuki hear it, due to the silent night a small cry could be heard from inside his room.

' I gotta clean my mind... I gotta...keep it together...' Miyuki then head to the field for some unknown reason he heads to the bullpen the place where he rarely use except for warmup before the game.

  He remember seeing Sawamura heads to the Bullpen in every games they play. In Sawamura first year he have to show off his ability (even though it's annoying) jusy so he can play on the game.

' Sawamura...is this what you always see? You can only watch on the sidelines hoping for a chance to play,to help the team...?' Miyuki remember when they lost at the spring tournament after the pitch off between Furuya and Hongou. The look on Sawamura when he took the Bullpen dirt, his resolve.

"Shit... Sawamura.." the tears came out and cause there's no one at this time he had no use of covering it up.

" Miyuki, what... happen? How can he suddenly.."

"How should i know?! Even I don't know... he's stupid but... he's our Ace...till his last..."

God... please...why do we have to lose him? The person who keeps us going, please..just like what he wish in his last moment, let us meet and played together again'

" Do you want to? Do you want to play with him again?"

' Yes, and we'll make sure to protect him this time, so please..let us see him...give me the chance to be his partner again..'

" Not all of you can remember but, to those who chosen to change your all fate. The only condition that you can't break is that you can't mentioned anything about the future to other people except the chosen few that have the memory. Never let Sawamura Eijun know you're all from the future can you all do that?"


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