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Sawamura cover his eyes with his arm after shedding a few silent tears. Uncovering someone has to pay a price for the second chance that his living in right now.

' shit..I guess I still make trouble for others even after I die. Now I made my parents worried again..'

He try to sit up and and look into the wall mirror at his left side. The good news is that his eyes is not red so they won't know that he has cry but..


" Kono baka! How did you get an accident! Do you know how worried we are?!" Said Eitoku chopped his head.

"It hurts! If you know that a just had an accident then don't hit me!"

"Ne Eijun are you okay? How do you feel?" Ask his mother.

"..I'm okay okaasan. Just a simple scratch in some place other than that it's nothing. " Sawamura Answer with his reassuring smile.

" Eijun do you realize that you got hit by a truck?! Do you know how lucky you are still alive and just have this little scratch?!" His mom hit her son chest lightly.

" Yes, I realize...sorry mom, for making you worry about me."

' Again... I made them sad...how did they feel after they heard the news that I died at that time..?'

After they scold him, they left Sawamura to rest there making sure that he's fine and said probably he'll be discharge tomorrow.

He took out his phone and make a call to Rei-chan the scout from Seido.

"Hello,Rei san, this is Sawamura Eijun can I have a bit of your time?"
" Yes Sawamura kun what can I help you?"
"I just wondering can I visit Seido tomorrow? I want to take your offer to look around the school."
" Sure you can, so do you want me to pick you up at the station?"
"Oh, you don't have to. I'm staying at the hospital near Seido."
"Hospital? Are you okay? What's wrong?"
"It's nothing serious Rei san just a small accident "
" Are you sure Sawamura kun? You could visit another day. "
" No, it's okay. I'll be visiting tomorrow besides, Someone will look out for me and he'll be coming with me tomorrow too, is that okay?"
" Sure, no problem Sawamura I'll see you at 10 am tomorrow Okay ?"
" Okay, thank you Rei san"

After, he made his appointment to see his future highschool, he read the message that he got from his junior, and head on to sleep.


Next day...

It's now 9 am in the morning and Sawamura stills a sleep at least until he feel someone shaking his shoulder lightly.

" Captain, Sawamura Captain wake up."

"5 no 2 more minutes..." Sawamura say lazily.

" No, you can't. You have an appointment at 10 remember? and the doctor said you can be discharge today"

He opened his eyes and found his junior or the next vice captain of Akagi junior highschool Natsume.

" Natsume, good morning. And you know that I'm no longer your captain since 2 we won this year summer tournament right?"

Sawamura try to sat up with Natsume helping him.

" You're may not be Akagi team Captain anymore but you're gonna be our one and only true captain." Answer Natsume looking at him with full conviction.

' I don't know how this two face kid got more similar to that Tanuki..did I do something wrong...?'

" Ha..okay wait a minute. I'll take a quick shower and I'll meet you at the lobby." Sawamura get up from his bed and walk to the bathroom.

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