7 ⋇ dioscuri

235 35 14

Dioscuri - Castor and Pollux

twin gods, patrons of sailors, associated with horsemanship


Luke knew the person holding him was Michael, he just didn't know where they were going.


Half of Luke's brain was working and a half was still trying to process what happened, what he's seen.

The working part was trying to understand where Michael was taking him. Was this his plan? Will he die now?

However, he quickly realized that Michael carried him back into the building, back to safety. Away from what was in those bushes.

"Luke!" Ashton shouted. "Michael what have you done?!"

Luke wanted to say something, tell him it wasn't Michael's fault. But he couldn't open his eyes, they still hurt from the light and his mouth was dry and it was impossible to talk.

But he wasn't panicking, Michael's touch was grounding him and the words breathe and calm down were present in his mind.

When he was laid down there were more hands on him and Michael was trying to move away. Quickly, Luke reached out and pull him back.

"I think he wants you to stay close," Calum said. "Ash, can you get Michael's note so he can write down what happened?"

It was unusual that Ashton didn't object. Michael kept his left hand on Luke's shoulder while the room went quiet.

"Bushes," Calum read, probably what Michael wrote down. "There was something in the bushes? A light?"

"He looks petrified," One of the healers whose voice Luke recognized said.

"Oh my god," Ashton said. "Michael, was it a snake?"

"Have you seen anything?" Calum asked the son of Ares.

"No, no. 'Be aware of the creatures who like to be outside at noon.' Snakes usually thrive in the sun and Luke is afraid of snakes. He hates them."

"It could be poisonous," Calum whispered. "We should check for any bite marks."

Luke felt a hand moving hair away from his face.

"Michael wrote that he was too far away to be bitten," Ashton said. "I'll go and check if anything is still there. If the horses are safe."

"Luke," Calum took his hand. "Just rest."

With Michael still close and his heartbeat calming down Luke let himself fall asleep.

Sooner than he wanted to he dreamt about what he's seen. About the eyes. About the hissing.

He woke up.

Immediately there was a pair of hands on him.

Luke turned towards Michael who was smiling at him. He never left his side.

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