13 ⋇ demeter

200 30 45


The goddess of the harvest, agriculture, fertility, and sacred law.


Never before was Luke visited in his sleep by his mother or any other god for that matter.

To be fair, he was never away from Athens before and she didn't need a reason to visit him in his sleep when he frequented her temple almost daily.

"Luke," Athena called his name as she turned towards him.

She was beautiful, Athena looked both soft and harsh, she looked like a dream and a nightmare.

Luke wasn't sure which of the two this visit will turn out to be.

He walked towards her, kneeled, and kissed the offered hand. She smiled at him and told him to stand.

"How are you doing my sweet boy?"

There was no secret that Luke was one of her favorite children but it remained a mystery as to why she favored him. He wasn't the smartest, nor the most beautiful of her children, his father was not her favorite lover.

Luke smiled. "I presume you're not here to ask how I am."

He knew he was on a verge of being disrespectful but that was one of the perks of being the favorite.

But he wasn't lying, she didn't ask how he was when Calum got injured, she didn't visit him when he was almost attacked or when he was barely hanging on due to the nightmares.

"I think you know well it's not my job to babysit you."

"I know, mother," He said respectfully. "I just wonder why you're here."

She sighed, her armor rattling as her chest moved. "I sensed you were contemplating on making a mistake."

Luke wondered if it was his mother's voice, he was recently hearing in his head. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"You're thinking about splitting up from the group."

Luke didn't know or cared how she knew that. "It's what I have to do to ensure Calum is safe and that I won't go insane."

"If you're having visions, you need to follow them. They are like prophecies, they will happen one way or another, it is crazy to fight them." She stepped closer. "That's why you should not be thinking about Apollo's boy right now but yourself. You can't go alone, it's too dangerous."

"What are you implying?" He asked in disbelief.

"Visit the temple first, then bring the boy to the forest."

Luke bit down on his tongue. "He is my friend. I'm not going to ask him to risk his life for me, again."

"Stop being dramatic", She said.

"Do you know why I'm the target?" Luke asked, ignoring her glare. He knew this was not a proper way to speak to your mother, especially if she was the goddess of war.

"I think it's silly that you even think that. Anyone could be the target. Ashton is one of his father's best warriors. Calum is the one who is injured and Michael... You should stay away from Michael."

Luke stepped closer to her. "Why? What are you not telling me?"

"There is a reason no one is telling you anything."

"Yes," Luke agreed, "Because they can't."

It was just a theory that Ashton didn't deny and Athena's facial expression might just prove him right.

"You should not trust him," She said again.

It was clear she wanted to add something else, possibly talk to him for longer but Luke was getting too upset to sleep, let alone to have Athena in his head.

He abruptly woke up.

It was dark but the fire was still giving away some warmth.

Luke didn't understand why he got so upset. He knew it was his mother's job to protect him not Calum but he never thought about his mother being so selfish.

It wasn't even that that got Luke upset. When she talked about Michael Luke wanted to shout at her to stop.

She didn't know Michael as he did, Luke didn't care what Michael was or whose son he. All Luke knew and cared about was that Michael had saved him three times already.

Michael, who smelled like a calm sea, Michael who smiled at him like everything Luke said was a joke. Michael who was the most beautiful boy Luke had ever seen.

Luke then realized why he got so upset.

He was in love with Michael.

And his brain could usually handle a lot of things but this made him so worked out he woke up from his sleep because of it.


He had to find Michael.

He wanted to tell Michael how he felt.

Only then Luke realized that while it was still dark, there was no sign of the other three boys.

Luke pinched himself to see he was not sleeping anymore. He stood up and called their names.

"Ashton?" He knew the son of Ares would never go far away from their camp.

"Michael?" Why would Michael leave him, when he always made sure he was near Luke when he was under threat?

"Calum?" How did Calum even leave, when he was barely walking these past few days.

Luke heard steps and he moved around. Michael walked towards him in worry.

He reached for him and Michael took his hands.

There was an upset look on Michael's face that Luke couldn't read.

"Michael I..." He knew it was now or never.


He turned around and saw Ashton who looked just upset and Michael did.

"Calum's gone."




luke being the favorite but not for long probs? (':



Love, Lucija ♡

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