2 ⋇ artemis

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goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, and the Moon

Luke knew this was his last chance to get a good night's sleep but he couldn't close his eyes.

He was too nervous, too excited, and too scared.

What will happen when they'll leave Athens? What will happen to Calum without the healers being near them? What will happen to him if he was the target of the attack?

Since he couldn't sleep Luke decided on going outside.

The moon was full so he thought about the Artemis and hoped she was thinking of her nephew.

Their horses were already waiting for them.

Luke's white horse recognized him so he didn't freak out when he walked to him. "We've never been on a trip this long." He ran his hand over his smooth head.

"Why are you up?" He turned around and saw Ashton sitting on one of the rocks.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "Couldn't sleep. Why are you up?"

He then noticed what the boy was doing. There were at least five swords and similar weapons next to the son of Ares.

"Preparing our protection. Here." He offered a smaller blade to Luke. "You can have this one."

"Thank you," Luke observed how the moonlight reflected off the smooth blade. "Are you nervous?"

Ashton, who was perceived by their peers to be cold-hearted looked at Luke. "Yes, but I don't think that's a bad thing. It will keep me more alert."

Luke's mother Athena and Ashton's father Ares were friends so by extension, Luke and Ashton were friends too. Or at least not enemies.

Ashton helped Luke with his physical training and Luke would explain books of philosophers to Ashton when he didn't understand them.

"Luke," Ashton said softly and Luke realized he almost fell asleep standing. "Go to sleep."

Before he left, the son of Ares asked him something Luke wished he had an answer to.

"Do you have any idea if the poison was meant for you?"

Luke shook his head. "I hope the Oracle will tell us more. If it was intended for someone specific and not just a random student. Then it had to be either me or Calum."

"Or Michael."

"Why Michael?" Luke asked.

"He was the only one who could see through it."

"Maybe," Luke agreed. "But why would anyone try to hurt him?"

"Why would anyone try to hurt you? Or Calum?"

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