16 ⋇ aphrodite

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The goddess of love, beauty and sexuality.


"Lay down with me," Luke looked hopefully at Michael who was staring through the window opening.

Michael turned to him and smiled.

You never asked before.

"I never had to," Luke smiled. He was exhausted. Both physically and mentally.

Calum wasn't in the town where they hoped to find him. Ashton searched for hours and no one remembered seeing him.

Luke talked to the locals and checked the temple of Artemis. If she was there, she didn't talk to him, he at least hoped she listened.

Michael searched all the hiding spots he knew Calum would use.

There was no trace of the injured boy anywhere.

Michael walked over and laid down next to Luke so the boy could rest on his chest. Gently Michael brushed his fingers through Luke's curls.


"I'm sorry," Luke sniffled. It was the first time they've been on the road that he cried. He just couldn't hold it in anymore.

Luke. Calm down. What are you sorry about?

"It's my fault that your best friend left. It's my fault he got hurt. It's my fault that we're here."

Michael sat up and pulled Luke with him.

He gently, always gently, touched his face and wiped the tears away.

It's not your fault. You are being targeted Luke, you're not at fault here. We will get to the bottom of whatever is going on but in no way is it your fault. You didn't do anything wrong to deserve this.

"How can you say that?" He hiccupped. "You don't even know me."

Luke didn't want to say that. Not because it wasn't true but because it was and Luke was afraid Michael might figure that out. That he and Michael didn't know enough about each other to lay like this. To touch like this. To kiss like this.

Michael smiled and pulled him in for a kiss, shutting down any doubt the boy had.

For someone so smart, Luke was often very stupid.

Their foreheads were pressed together when he grabbed Luke's hand and kissed the knuckles.

That's not true. I know you're brave. I know you're selfless. You'd do anything for your friends. You're smart.

Luke smiled.

I know what they say about me Luke and you didn't listen. You give people a chance. You listen to people. You make them smile.

He kissed his cheek and hugged him.

You're the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

Luke blushed and hugged Michael tighter. "I can't make Calum smile if he isn't there."

Look, I've known Calum for a long time. And I can't be sure. If I'm not, I'll be forever sorry for not tearing all the houses and trees apart to find him. But I've always known if Calum was okay even when we weren't close. Even when we weren't allowed to be.

"Can you tell me about it? About you and Calum?"

Luke knew there were things that he for one reason or another couldn't know. But being patient got him to where he was with Michael, where the boy trusted him enough to communicate with him in his thoughts.

Michael smiled and kissed his cheek.

Only if you promise to try and go to sleep.

Luke nodded and laid back down but only after Michael got comfortable.

Calum was my first friend. Sometimes I thought he'll be my only friend.

He always was sunshine in human form, he was always singing, dancing, and trying to make other people laugh.

When I first learned about gods, I knew Apollo was his father. He's the best archer I know. He tries to protect everyone around him.

I know there are people who felt sorry for me because I only had Calum. But I felt sorry for them because they didn't.

"Michael?" Luke asked, half asleep. "Isn't his father the protector of youth? Maybe..."

I thought about it. The only reason why Calum would leave, in my opinion, is to protect us.

I know what I said about him faking his injuries but I don't think he was lying about them completely. He probably exaggerated it to some extent but I've seen the look in his eyes.

For the first time since I've known him, there was fear in his eyes.

"We'll find him, won't we?"

We have to. That's why first thing tomorrow we're going to the temple.

We'll hire men, we'll hire protection just so we can make it to the goddess as soon as possible.

When we save you, we'll go and find Calum.

"Can we go home after?"

There was a pause before Michael answered. We can return to Athens, yes.

Luke knew immediately what Michael meant. Athens wasn't his home.

"Can you meet me in my dreams?" Luke asked just before falling asleep.

No, but I'll be here when you wake up.


The calm before the storm or Lucija wanted to write some fluff.


muke laying down together?

luke crying, michael calming him down?

michael talking about calum?

instead of asking for your theories, what are your expectations or wished for this story?

Love, Lucija ♡

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