17 ⋇ hermes

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The god of roads and travelers, thieves, athletes, shepherds, commerce, speed, cunning, wit and sleep.


When Luke woke up, he was no longer laying on Michael's chest.

Sometime during the night, he turned around and Michael's arm was now resting on his hip.

Luke felt warm and not just because of the feeling in his heart. Michael's body was pressed close and Luke was overheating.

To his surprise, Michael was actually sleeping.

The boy who always looked like he was thinking finally had a calm expression on his face. He was so beautiful, Luke had to stop himself from reaching out to touch him and kiss him.

He let him sleep and walked over to the table and drank water from the cup. Luke leaned over the window and enjoyed the light breeze on his skin.

Today was the day. In a few hours, they were leaving this town and would arrive at the temple of Selene.

Then, they would try and track down Calum. Then, hopefully, everything would go back to normal.

Luke would go back to reading. Ashton back to training. Calum back to singing and archery. And Michael back to whatever he was doing before Luke noticed him. Whatever he was doing before and hopefully kissing Luke as well.

He turned around and started at the tattoo in the middle of Michael's back.

It was a dark symbol Luke had seen before but never paid much attention to. He frowned and realized just how stupid he was.

For weeks he was trying to solve all the mysteries around the boy he fell in love with but he failed to connect what he wore on his skin to who he was.

The symbol wasn't Greek but Luke had seen him in his scrolls.

He knew what the symbol meant but he knew the meaning could be different from the word.

He remembered something. How could he forget in the first place?

Luke smiled. If he wasn't sure before he was sure now.

His prophecy.

You'll know who to trust when you'll see the rune.

Luke was ready.

"Do we need this many people with us?" Luke asked Ashton.

He didn't doubt Ashton's plan, Ashton was the warrior, he was the mastermind behind this operation. But Luke still wondered.

"Just in case," The son of Ares answered. "They will all escort us to the temple, then some will go with us."

We don't want Selene to think we're hostile.

Luke understood what Michael meant. They were going to her temple not to pray or worship but to interrogate. They weren't coming to praise but to question.

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