3 ⋇ heracles

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divine hero, protector of mankind, a symbol of masculinity, and patron of gymnasium


The animal looked glorious in the moonlight. Luke and Michael moved their horses so it could walk to Calum.

Luke observed as the hurt boy raised his hands and touched the stag.

Only then he noticed the frown on Michael's face. "What is it?" He asked but immediately felt stupid. It's not like he would reply.

"We're not anywhere near Delphi," Ashton spoke up.

"No," Calum agreed. "Artemis wouldn't send him if we were on the right path. I think he's here because we're lost."

"But Michael has been-" Luke has been observing the man for the last hour. Every few minutes he was observing their surroundings, looking at the sky to check if they were riding in the right direction.

"I don't think it's Michael's fault. I know it isn't."

Ashton understood what Calum meant and immediately started circling on his horse around the group.

"So, you think we've been deceived?"

"I think this just confirms one of you is the target," Ashton replied.

"I don't think we should camp here if that's the case," Luke didn't feel safe not knowing where they were, he'd feel even less safe sleeping somewhere they didn't know.

Michael passed Luke something, and he quickly realized it was a note. "Thebes," Luke read it out loud. "Is it near?" He asked Michael.

The man nodded and looked at Calum.

"Hopefully, we are not too far from our tracks. Can you lead us to Thebes?" He asked the stag.

The large animal slowly turned around and started to walk back.

This time both Michael and Ashton rode in the back and Luke noticed they kept turning back.

They rode for at least two more hours before they noticed the light that indicated the town.

The closer they got, the more it resembled the picture painted in Luke's mind by all the books he read.

It was smaller than Athens but the myths, gods, and heroes were as present as they were in his hometown. "One of my half-brothers, Jack lives here," Luke said when they came closer to the city walls.

They said goodbye and thanked the animal. Luke knew he'll once more have to honor the goddess to at least try to thank her.

Ashton did the talking at the gates and they were escorted to the nearest healer.

Luke was never this tired in his life, not even when he was waking up in the middle of the night to train his combat skills. He couldn't even imagine how Calum felt.

"Is it okay with you if I go and find my brother?" He asked Michael who smiled and nodded. He took Luke's horse and pointed towards the direction of where they were going.

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