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the content of this book belongs to me. I do not own any of the characters that exist in real life.

alternative universe: greek mythology


It was an early summer morning, too early for the rest but it was Luke's favorite time of the day.

The sun was up but the heat was still bearable so, like most days, he came to the rocks and started reading and thinking.

After a while, Luke heard voices and realized he wasn't alone anymore.

He could hear laughter and shouting, he closed his book and stood up. The rocks, where both demigods and human mortals came to study, were positioned under the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to his mother, Athena.

Down the hill from the rocks was where the students would train and fight. Luke's mother always told him his physical agility was as important as his mental one but he didn't see the beauty in running the way he did in reading.

Unfortunately, today was one of those days where the books would be kept closed and Luke will have to train with either his hands or a weapon.

They were far away but Luke recognized Calum, son of Apollo, the god of the sun and the pale raven-haired boy that was always near him. Luke presumed he had no immortal blood in him which would be unusual. While demigods and humans would learn together there was an unwritten rule that they didn't spend time together outside their learning environment.

  Michael, Luke remembered, his name was Michael.

Luke picked up his sword and headed to where the others were gathering. There still weren't many and most paired up and started training. They'd all rather do it while the sun wasn't too high in the sky.

All but Calum. If anything, the boy hated when the sun came down even though the moon, his aunt's possession lit up the sky at night.

Luke wanted to find a pair before Ashton would try and approach him.

He didn't mind the boy's company but he was the son of Ares, the god of war.

Ashton was too competitive and honestly too good for Luke and Luke hated losing.

The morning was uneventful. They all trained and there were a couple of bruises, there was some shouting but nothing out of the ordinary.

As he presumed, Ashton won most of his duels except his fight with Michael ended up in a draw.

While Ashton was all power, Michael was fast and had no trouble dodging Ashton's sword. Unlike the son of Ares, he also kept his cool together, never said anything, and never shouted.

The draw left Ashton agitated so the teachers gave them a break before they would train in archery.

Luke was sweaty and thirsty so he walked to the well to refresh himself.

He was the first one so he hurried up as he saw a few other students had a similar idea to his.

As he was about to take a sip, something hit his arm.

With a frown, Luke looked up and notices Calum's friend, Michael, threw something at him.

Luke didn't know what his problem was but before he could drink someone shouted something and Calum pushed Luke away from the well.

The bucket from which Luke almost drank was lying on the floor but the spilled substance on the floor wasn't water but something else.

As he was about to thank Calum for saving his life, Luke realized Calum wasn't moving. He was clutching his arm against his chest with his face scrunched in agony.

Luke didn't know what happened but he was pretty sure it was his fault.


three demigods and a boy who doesn't speak go on an odyssey across the Badlands.


thoughts so far? (:

the greek mythology alternative universe?

question: would you rather see chapters named after Greek gods or the Greek alphabet?

i know this will be different from my usual stories but I hope you stick around for the journey (an actual one) (:

Before you read:

⋇ muke fanfiction

⋇ au: this is a greek mythology alternative universe, some information will be accurate, some taken from other fiction (Percy Jackson,...) and some made up

⋇ title taken from Halsey's music

let me know what you think! (:

Love, Lucija ♡

Badlands ♡ mukeWhere stories live. Discover now