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"There really is someone out here." 

"Of course, I don't just run out into the night for no good reason."

"Well you did once."

"That was ages ago and you know I had a reason. I still remember what you said."

"Point taken."

"Shall I repeat?"

"Look you, just get the body onto the horse and you can torment me later."

There was a soft laugh and the sound of footsteps against the forest floor.

Kilan listened, not exactly sure what he was listening to. He didn't know these voices. They were both male but they didn't belong to Daily or his men. What about the dog? Was it still around?

Wait, if he was still thinking, that meant he hadn't been eaten... well that was something at least.

His eyes opened a crack when soft hair brushed against his cheek. It was blonde and he was looking into the smooth nape of a neck. Was it a lady?

Suddenly he felt his entire body being moved. Well either it was a very strong lady or it was a man with very good skin. Maybe he used a cream or something - his sister would want to know what cream.

No wait, his sister? What was he talking... thinking about? That knock to the head really must have done some damage.

The world suddenly flipped and then he was looking at the ground.

He frowned.

Oh he had been draped over the back of a horse. Oh this would be very uncomfortable. Better to inform them that he was awake and could sit up himself.

He opened his mouth and all that came out was a groan.

"Is he waking up?"

"His eyes are open a little... but he doesn't look too coherent."

"Well here, Luka, give him this?"

"Where did you get this?"


"Why on earth is she giving you these things?"

"It was planning for a prank."

"A prank?"

"Would you just make him smell it?"

Kilan blinked when a flower appeared under his nose. What a pretty flower... what an awful smell.

He took a deep breath without meaning to and the next second he was a dead weight again, his vision abandoning him a second time.


There was a chirp by his ear.

As Kilan's consciousness slowly began to surface he opened his eyes. He was lying on his side and there was a robin sat on the mattress next to him, looking at him.

They looked at each other for a moment, then Kilan's eyes widened.

"You!" he snarled, lunching himself towards the little bird and promptly falling out of the bed he had been lying in.

He hit the floor below and moaned and a skirt appeared in front of him.

"Are you alright?" someone asked above him.

Face still half pressed into the floor, he flicked his eyes up but only saw the end of bodice until the woman knelt down in front of him.

The skirt and bodice were attached to a young blonde woman with an expression that suggested she was trying not to burst into hysterics.

Sleeping RosesWhere stories live. Discover now