Away to The Season

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His name disturbed Kilan out of his deep sleep and subconsciously he knew it was still too early to be awake.

"Kilan, wake up," the voice said again and someone gently shook his shoulder.

Kilan groaned and turned onto his back, ready to hiss at Jeremy, only when he opened his eyes, he wasn't looking at Jeremy. He was looking at a young man with wavy black hair that was tied at the base of his neck with black eyes, his face half lit by the candle he was holding.

Kilan stared at him for a moment, then sat bolt upright, almost ramming his head against the stranger's and scrambling back.

The man held a finger to his lips. "Let's not wake Jeremy," he whispered, then held out a hand. "Tobias."

Kilan just looked at him for a moment. Tobias? Who? Then his eyes widened and he shook the offered hand. His mystery roommate, of course, the man who was always awake before them and asleep after them.

"You need to get ready for travel," Tobias said, lighting Kilan's bedside candle.

"What? Why?"

"The Season begins in a few days," Tobias explained, straightening, revealing that he was already dressed and groomed. "You are joining Master Beldon's party."

"I am?"

"That is why you were hired after all; we hardly need more people to pick apples. It's now that you start earning those high wages of yours. Pack what you need for the journey; you'll be away for about a week."

Kilan stared at him as Tobias turned away then quickly slid out of bed and Tobias set a package on his dresser.

"This is your Upper Floor uniform, be sure it fits well," he said, "If it doesn't, you need to have it fixed before we leave — you may get that done when you visit the seamstresses and tailors to collect the gowns. I implore you be careful with that collection, they are the dresses Beldon's sisters shall be wearing this Season. After that, go to the stables to help load luggage. We'll be leaving at first light. Master Beldon has house calls to make this week so you may be requested to join him on those. I hope you know how to behave in the presence of those who are less informal then our masters."

"Of course," Kilan said, untying the strings of the package.

"We shall see," was Tobias's response before he left the room.


Hours later, Kilan and other servants stood lined up before an incredible city manor that sat at the end of a mile long drive. This was Beldon's home — well one of them. Apparently there were others out in the country as well as others further into the city, in far more agreeable locations for The Season, but this was the main residence of Beldon's family.

Said family appeared at the doors at that moment as Beldon stepped out of the carriage. The first three to appear were his sisters, two of which Kilan recognised. The other two that followed were men, but their features were similar enough for Kilan to know that these were brothers.

"Hello Bel, how are you, darling? I assume you heard that Miss Elizabeth Rodgers and Mr John Blake's engagement has been broken off due that that man's shameful behaviour with that kitchen girl. Poor Miss Rodgers, I suggest you see her right away in time for The Season," Beldon's eldest sister, Miss Antoinette said as she swept down the stairs to embrace her brother.

"Hello, Anne, I'm very well, I'm not interested in poor Miss Rodgers and how are you?" Beldon replied, hugging her before hugging his other sisters — and Kilan had a vague sense of déjà vu.

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