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The next evening saw Beldon and his family away at court. Though all Beldon's sisters were already out in society, they were still attending to see the new debutantes of The Season. The day itself was havoc with friends calling around in the morning and the afternoon given over to readying for court but once the family were out of the house, the servants left behind had the evening to use as they pleased.

And the night.

And still no dream.

It was the day after that that Kilan was finally called out with Beldon. During the day the family were at one of the city's galleries, marking the start of The Season, and once evening rolled around, they were to attend the first of many, many assemblies.

"Would you be comfortable entertaining this evening?" Beldon asked that evening in his bedroom as Kilan and Iago helped ready him — it didn't actually involve doing much, Beldon didn't care to be dressed by others.

"Of course, Sir," Kilan said from where he sat on one of the chairs, giving the dress shoes one last shine.

"Good, this party will need something to liven it up, Mrs Lucan's creations never cease to bore," Beldon said as he tied his hair back and shrugged on the waistcoat Iago held out for him.

"Master Luka sent word by the way, he may be held up until tomorrow," Iago said as Kilan set the shoes down in front of Beldon and Beldon sat down to put them on.

"Oh yes? Typical him, he's avoiding it isn't he?" Beldon said.

"I'm not at liberty to say such things about my master," Iago said and Beldon smirked at him — Iago giving a smirk in reply.

"Alright," Beldon said with a dramatic sigh, standing up, "I shall be bored alone. And I shall make him regret it tomorrow."

He threw his jacket on, buttoning it up and left the room, Kilan and Iago following.

Two carriages took the party to Mrs Lucan's grandiose home, one for the ladies, one for the gentlemen. Kilan sat up front with the driver and assisted the ladies down from their carriage when they arrived.

"Beldon, we're glad to see you made it," a man — Mr. Lucan — said as they ascended the steps, shaking Beldon's hand after greeting his father and siblings. "My son tells me you're a star at school."

"I believe your son to be exaggerating," Beldon said, smiling.

"And will be seeing any of your talents this evening?"

"Actually, I've brought a different form of entertainment," Beldon said, holding a hand towards Kilan.

"A servant?"

"A special one."

"Oh? You intrigue me."

Beldon chuckled. "And you shall see why he's special later this evening, I'm sure," Beldon said, then bowed and moved on to greet Mrs. Lucan and her son after that. "I hope you won't be too bored," he said to Kilan once he was past the greetings. "I'm afraid you'll have to be standing around for the most part, keeping an eye on things really. There must be chaperones in each room after all."

"That'll be fine, Sir," Kilan said. Actually being left alone would give him time to watch the party and assess exactly what type of story would be best told for this company. There were all ages here after all so nothing too silly nor too serious. And it was an event for fun, so the story needed to be kept light and airy. Of course this was also the place where ladies and gentlemen met with marriage and business in mind, so perhaps a romance. A Happily Ever After.

Kilan was situated in the main room, to his luck, beside another of the house's servants, so he could watch everything and everyone, which was better than some of the other servants who were stuck in side-rooms, keeping watch on the off chance someone wandered in.

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