Terms of Enchantment

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"Kilan Denny!"

Kilan looked up from his dinner, confused for a moment, before quickly standing up. It was the first time his name had been called during the evening postal delivery and it had thrown him for a moment.

Making his way through the tables, he reached the front of the hall where another servant handed him a package before turning to the next person and Kilan made his way back to his seat.

"What did you get, Kilan?" asked some of the kids, quickly spinning in their seats as he passed. "Is it a new story?"

"Oi, come on kids, that his, don't be so nosy," Jeremy snapped from the table he, Millie and Tobias were sharing.

The kids grumbled, glaring at him and Kilan smiled.

"Sorry kids, it's not a story," he called back, "I'll tell you something another time." As the kids turned back to each other, already discussing one of the stories he had already told them, Kilan took his seat besides Millie and set the package on the table.

"So what is it?" Jeremy instantly asked and Tobias smacked him over the head.

"You just said it yourself, don't be so nosy," he said as Jeremy glared at him, rubbing his head.

Kilan pulled the string away and opened the top flap, checking. "It's from that contact I told you about," he said, tying up the package again. "Looks like he sent some of his old research."

"Well that's good right?" Millie said.

"Depends on what his research says," Kilan replied, quickly finishing his dinner. "I'm going to go straight to the lounge if that's alright?"

"Sure, sure," Jeremy said, waving him off, "it's your evening off isn't it?"

"We'll meet you later," Millie said with a smile. Kilan smiled back, drank the last of his tea then grabbed his tray, handing it over to the cleaning staff and headed out.

He was one of the first in the lounge so he managed to grab a corner table, out of peoples' way and a little more quiet because it wasn't near one of the fireplaces.

Gesturing for a candle to light itself, he sat down, opened the package and pulled out the sheets of paper. Most of it was what he had suspected, research.

But the first paper was a letter. He grimaced slightly, unsure he wanted to read what the man had to say, it had been so long since they had spoken. Would he still be mad at Kilan's mother? Would he hate Kilan as a result?

Dear Kilan,

I have enclosed the relevant pages of my old research with this letter. You must remember that this work is from my youth and age does not favour research but I hope it will be of some use.

You must also remember that, when dealing directly with fey or witches, misfortune can befall you within a blink of an eye. If you are in the presence of one, do not anger him or her, many can be quick to temper. Observing as a Storyteller is one thing, involving yourself is quite another. Don't forget, Storytellers observe and record, nothing more.

If I thought you'd listen to my advice I'd tell you to walk away this second and leave your acquaintance be but I know you and I doubt you've changed that much since you were a child - though maybe you finally grew a little taller.

Kilan glared at the page, grinding his teeth. He was still going on about his height?! He wasn't a short little brat anymore! He was over six foot now! It wasn't his fault the old man was a giant.

"Tsh," he muttered, dumping his cheek in his palm and returning his attention to the letter.

Sleeping curses aren't common place in the world of enchantment. They're considered to be high maintenance. Being trapped in a tower on the other hand, you may want to remember that that could be a curse all on its own. And tower curses don't always end well for the cursed. I've put in what I could about sleeping curses, tower curses and a general look into the breaking of them but you need to keep in mind that all curses work differently depending on the enchanter. You may never set your lady free and that's something you'll just have to live with.

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