Shades-Wood Peak

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Daily stared at Kilan in silence for well over a minute. Around them, the servants hovered without showing that they were hovering, neatening decorations, fussing over the horses, fussing over thin air, listening.

Kilan held his ground as he watched Daily process what he said.

Another minute slid by in silence, then Daily suddenly raised his hand and Kilan flinched.

Daily pressed his hand to Kilan's forehead, as if checking for a fever.

"Are you having one of those turns you had as a kid?" he asked and Kilan smacked his hand away.

"No, I'm not," he snapped, glaring, "I'm being serious here."

"Oh I have no doubt about that," Daily said, folding his arms, "You must be desperate, you realise we're not actually friends anymore." He turned away with a dismissive flick of his hand, one of his servants taking his cape and gloves from Kilan. "I'm afraid you will be on your own here, whatever your problem may be."

"Daily wait!"

"I see why I was invited now. Men, we're leaving."


"I take no interest in attending an event I'm not wanted at."

"Shadeswood Peak!"

Daily stopped, his hands up on the saddle of his horse, one foot even in the stirrup, ready to mount and leave, but he just stood there, eyes forwards.

Very, very slowly, he lowered his foot back to the ground then let out a sigh.

"You owe me, Daily," Kilan said slowly, "You have owed me for over ten years and I never pressed you on it for the sake of your pride and reputation... but I need your help."

Daily turned around, the movement sharp and fast, his eyes dark like thunder. He stormed forwards, hands balling into fist and quick as a flash, slammed one fist into Kilan's jaw, knocking him clean off his feet.

"Mr Daily!" servants cried, racing forwards, getting between Kilan and the guest.

Daily completely dismissed them as he pointed down at Kilan.

"This will not be known," he said, one fist still raised, his pointing finger trembling; the muscles in his arms were wound so tight. "It will not be spoken of."

Kilan sat up, holding up a hand, the other holding his abused cheek. "I know," he said, his voice soft, "I know, this is between us. No one will know."

"You won't write about it?"

"I can't write about it."

Daily went quiet again; watching him, then finally lowered his hands. "Alright, then let's talk."


Kilan told Daily everything, right from the beginning. He withheld nothing, for the first time trusting Daily with something in a way he hadn't since they were children.

They had been allowed to take a quiet sunroom, the doors shut to the rest of the castle. When Beldon had heard Daily had arrived and that Kilan wanted to talk to him alone, he'd strongly been against the idea of them being alone together but Kilan had pressed for the solitude.

He had his reasons. Of course he'd usually choose to not be left alone with Daily, but he had his reason this time. Namely, he knew that, at least for today, he was safe. And to keep Daily happy, he couldn't let the conversation heard, even if most people in the castle had no idea that Daily was a Remover rather than just someone who clearly didn't like Kilan.

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