My Fair Lady

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Song in the music video and the chapter is based on London Bridge is Falling Down - in case you don't know the song/tune.


It was a week on from learning about Briar's second curse and Kilan had yet to tell her that he knew, he wasn't sure how she would react. She hadn't yet wanted to tell him after all so he was unsure as to whether she would accept that he knew calmly or feel betrayed by him going behind her back to learn.

During the daylight hours, things were normal. All he could do was wait for word from his contact - or wait to hear that the man had passed away already. He should have kept in contact.

He had explained everything to Jeremy. Since he already had some knowledge of what was going on, Kilan decided to fill him in. As it turned out, Jeremy had told Millie and Tobias.

Kilan almost smacked him over the head for his big mouth but Jeremy promised - with his heads over his head for protection - that they had both promised not to tell.

When Kilan had spoken to Millie, she had just laughed and said that, while she took an interest in it all and wanted to know, she had no intention of informing the entire castle.

While Tobias had informed him that he did not share Jeremy's habit of talking, it was not anyone else's business - or his - as to what was happening. If Kilan told him anything, it would remain between them.

So, while now having three people there to discuss things with, there wasn't much to discuss. He couldn't do anything until the letters returned.

He was back and forth between the castle and town again, starring in the storytelling events hosted by Beldon's family, avoiding Daily since he never attending the parties, so he hadn't even seen Briar for a majority of the week anyway and he looked forward to relaying the events of the parties for her, she always took an interest.

It was late when he returned with his company a week later; a majority of the castle was already asleep since The Masters' weren't returning that night.

Kilan crept into his room, changing as quietly as possible for fear of waking his roommates, and slipping into bed, all done in the dark since he knew Tobias would wake if he used any light.

Falling asleep was easy; he was exhausted from the constant late nights and early mornings of The Season. It was waking up into the dream world that proved to be awkward. Not because it was hard to wake up or anything, be it simply wasn't his normal dream.

When Kilan opened his eyes, he looked around in confusion, then sighed.

Well now where was he?

This room wasn't the tower, nor was he in the stone corridors.

It was an indoor garden, in fact is look like one of the many gardens found in the castle.

Walking through the archway that led out of the room, he stopped.

He suddenly knew where he was. It was the room he had stayed in when he had been a guest at the castle. Only it looked different.

The layout was still the same, with the pillars and archways and balconies, but it wasn't the adults' room he had stayed in. In fact it looked better suited to a child.

A voice caught his attention then, drawing his thoughts away from the toys that scattered the floor. It was a child's voice, the singing of a young girl.

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