Those in The sky

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For a while afterwards, there was silence in the tower. Briar stood at the window, listening to the voice that sang through the air but not replying this time. Stephanie stood to one side, her hands clasped in front of her, silent as any good servant would be. Edward appeared in one of the small side mirrors and Charles slid through one of the doors but neither of them spoke.

Finally, Briar let out a sigh and closed the window, locking it, before walking to the sofa and taking a seat, her hands loosely held together on her lap, her head bowed as her hair tumbled forwards over her shoulder.

The silence dragged for a long, long while until Briar lifted her head.

"Did you go away?" she said into the silence.

For a moment the silence didn't answer, then there were soft footsteps on the stairs and Kilan stepped back into the parlour, looking at her.

"No," he said softly, walking forwards.

"I apologise for your having to witness that," she said.

He looked at her as he took his seat and was surprised to see a completely composed expression, not even a wrinkle of stress on her face.

"I... apologise for being around to hear it," he said.

"Nothing to be done about that," she replied.

They sat in silence for a while, both looking at their hands.

"So, you have a sister?" he asked carefully.

"I do not have a sister," she replied. "So, you're a thief?"

"I am not a thief," he said, coping her curt tone and they looked at each other.

"What are you then?"

"I'm a Storyteller, as I always have been."

He looked away and Briar looked at the tea that had been forgotten on the table.

"So what was she referring to? Or is this a case of not wishing to discuss it?" she asked and Kilan sighed.

"Would you not rather talk about what just happened? You faced your mother and her reaction was... extreme."

"Her reaction was normal and I do not yet wish to discuss it," Briar said and Kilan sighed again, leaning forwards, resting his forearms on his thighs, gripping his hands together as he looked at the ground.

"I said before, after the death of my parents, I was taking in by the family of the man who saved me. His son was JJ, one of my best friends - we'd known each other since we were little. Me, JJ and one more boy called Nico. They were farmers and JJ was expected to continue the farm but... well perhaps he had been fed a few too many of my parents stories, he was obsessed with seeing the world, and he believed wholeheartedly in magic, more then any normal person should when they have not encountered it. One day he comes to us - Nico and I - telling us that he's found a secret kingdom... up in the sky."

Briar looked at him. "Those in the sky?"

"Those in the sky," he repeated, then rubbed his eyes. "Giants."

"Sorry?" Briar asked, frowning.

"He had found a kingdom of giants."

Briar stared at him. "How?" she asked, staring.

"Apparently, when he'd been on his way to sell one of the dairy cows at market, a man had asked for the cow in exchange for... for beans."


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