Running Blind

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The cushion that flew into the back of Kilan's head hit him with such force he almost fell straight over the windowsill, grabbing the side of the window and the cushion at the same time before whirling around and hurling it back at Briar – who ducked.

"I just told you Daily smacked me too many time today, why are you adding to that?" he snapped.

"You deserved it!" Briar snapped back, "Punishment for the stupidity of your actions and making me worry so much! What if it had gone wrong? What if he had attacked you? What if he hadn't agreed to help? You didn't consider any of these things did you?"

"Of course I did," Kilan said, swinging the windows closed again in case he really did fall out. "And what is the point of worrying now? I'm alive, he agreed to help. No harm, no foul."

"And the thirteenth fairy hasn't responded to the invitation has she? There's no news from her. This danger you're in could all be in vain."

"No, she hasn't," Kilan admitted, "But there's still time. The ball spans several days, she doesn't have to arrive on the first day."

"And what if she does come and takes offence to being threatened – which she's almost certain to. What if she curses you to an endless, timeless sleep as well?"

"Well, I shall certainly be annoyed and it will put a damper on my day," Kilan replied and Briar grabbed another cushion to hurl at him. Kilan dove behind Stephanie for safety – who was ignoring both of them as she prepared the tea.

"And what if Mother finds out what you're doing?" Briar continued, marching around to try and get a clear shot at Kilan, who ducked behind the sofa.

"Well we are hoping she doesn't," Kilan said, peering over the back of the sofa.

Briar threw the cushion at him even though it missed and sat down heavily in her usual chair, crossing her legs and folding her arms and Kilan straightened up, folding his arms on the back of the sofa and looking at her.

"You worry too much."

"You don't worry enough."

"Neither of you worry at all."

A voice from the doorway to the tower stairs confused the pair for a moment, both looking towards the speaker before Kilan whirled around, Briar bolting to her feet.


They both stared at her, frozen, shocked by one simple fact.

She was early.

She arrived while Kilan was still there.

Of course she'd done it once before, but she hadn't taken any notice of Kilan, this time she was there, leaning against the archway, arms crossed as she looked at them from under her hood.

"I tried asking you," Mother said calmly, straightening up and unclasping her cape. "I tried warning you."

Stephanie swept over and Mother dropped the cape in her arms.

"I even tried threatening you, when I do not care for outright threats." Mother smoothed back some curling locks from her face, glancing towards one of the mirrors just as Edward appeared in it. "And yet, Mr. Denny, you persist in ignoring everything I say."

"Wait," Kilan said.

Mother ignored him, walking passed with a flick of the hand and a force like a bolder stuck him in the chest, knocking him flat on his back, winding him.

"Kilan!" Briar shouted as Kilan let out a cough, slowly sitting up.

His eyes rose to try and see where Mother was and he blinked.

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