Chapter 26

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Lets act Crazy....

I don't care if I'm being selfish! My moms getting married to a werewolf! How could I be so F'n' nice to let this happen and not break it up. It's my fault and I wish Dad was here to make this all go away...

I cried silently in to Aden's chest hiding from the world. He's my shield to everyone that comes to see me, so far the twins, the guys, Laura, my brother, Randa (actually is volunteering as a Candy striper so I get an hour of her on her lunch breaks), my forced future step-brother and his werewolf girlfriend, surprisingly Aden's parents(both or one or the other), even Miss.Ella sent me those cute fruit arrangements shaped like flowers. Surprisingly enough chocolate pineapple is quiet the combination, however I wish I would stop crying to enjoy the feel better gifts. Lately I've been so down and angry and I don't want to eat and I just want to sleep but when I do nightmares happen and they feel so real it just makes me want to cry more.

"Baby please calm down. They're not going to let you go if you don't stop bringing your heart rate sky rocketing."

Oh yeah, I almost forgot the fact that I was in the hospital for excessive stress and anxiety, they wanted to say suicide watch but Mr.Rossi quickly cleared that up for obvious reasons. After I passed out clean to the floor, I didn't wake up till about three or four hours later in this stupid gown and in this stupid bed on Christmas!

"I hate my life."I whined.

"Celina Rosa Rivera."

He had that parent-tone in his voice but I love the way he says my full name.

"Alot of people have worse lives than what you call hell!"

"This isn't about other people! It's about-Who cares it's all my fault okay!"I yelled turning away from him.

"It's not your fault! It-"

"Are we in the middle of an argument?"Clover asked coming in.

"No."I frowned darkly pulling the covers over my head. I heard Ray and Prod talking, and I'm pretty sure Rocs the one dragging his feet closing the door.

''Umm Hun, can we talk to you for a minute?"She asked as I nodded still not lookin' from this sheet. The door opened and closed pretty quickly.

"Hun, it's almost New Years and you haven't had fun in days."She exclaimed.

"Fun leads to death."I answered morbidly.

''Some...times but here's the deals. If I'm going be your sister-in-law....,wait I actually don't know what I would technically be to you, either way it's a bad idea! I really want us to stay great friends and we don't need any snot nosed kids with wolf ears runnin' around!"

I giggled a little as she got closer to my ear whispering.

"So if you wanna stop this wedding..... just clover."

I slowly got up.


""Clover"-To be (live)in clover, to live a carefree life of ease,comfort,and prosperity. Just love Aden, that's the key! "She pointed pulling Roc towards the door before Ray and Prod came back. Prod held my hand knowing exactly what I'm feeling describing every word in the dictionary to Prince who looked worried and depressed at how deep in emotion I am.

"I hate your "special" power."I whispered to him as Ray's mom took my temp.

"No one but Jennifer and Terrance deserve to understand how I feel."

"Maybe you are a vampire with that comment."Rays mom grinned.

They chuckled but I was serious.

I want them to suffer my hurt, my pain...

They both stayed for awhile watching what they said, trying to make me laugh.

"You know what Clover's right."Prod started in thought.

"I don't under-"

"You will, give me some time on the details."He grinned mischievously as Ray messed my hair up. It's no longer straight but a big 4C fro.

"We'll be back tomorrow, get well soon."He smiled as Prod dragged him out the door closing it.

I finally looked over to Aden, who was.......sleeping?

I've worried him so much, he looked tired with grey rings around his eyes.

"Aden..."I nudged him as he slowly woke up.

"You need to eat..."I said cautiously.

"I'm not going to leave you."

"You have to!"

"Celina no."

"Bite me then."I sat up holding my arm out.



He looked weak trying to fighting it.


I stuck my wrist in his mouth feeling a sharp object cut into my skin smoothly. A blur of pain and blood was all I could see.

I woke up screaming in darkness from a dream....well nightmare.

"Celina, baby calm down. I'm here everything's okay."He turned on the light wiping my head. I was dripping in sweat checking my wrist with a blurry vision. My heart was pounding so much it hurt the most, my eyes puffy and burning from crying so much.

"It was just a dream babe."He held me close while I cried scared to fall asleep now.

"Every things fine, I'm here."

He kissed my forehead rocking me.


She fell asleep around 3, fighting it even if I relaxed her well I even tried charming her but whatever force she had it fought back. I'm worried about her, I think the twins overdosed her medicine. The door crept open to Lacey.

"What did you do to her? Shes having vivid nightmares."I whispered in anger.

"Thats a good thing, the meds are working. The nurses will come and see nothing wrong with her in an hour. I'm still trying to figure out this very sharp turn of behavior from her recently. It's like her body is acting irrationally to certain people and things. Anyways my instructions are very clear. Take her to your bedroom and tell her mother to come see her there, while she's sleeping. When she wakes up she'll have a huge headache so give her something."

"Is thats all?"I asked keeping a mental note.

"No, follow Clover's advice which is brilliant actually. A disobedient child makes things shake, Roc is already doing great at making Mr.Nez threatenin' to kick him out. Though for Celina, whatever you do has to be drastic. I want you to make her do things non-traditionally meaning.......Sneak out, be wild, just have fun like you never have had in the last couple of centuries." She ordered turning to leave.

"Oh and one more thing,

You bite her within' the year you won't have a future."

The Wilhelm Scream~ James Blake




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