Chapter Eleven

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The Funeral.....

"It's funny how without all the makeup she looks peaceful."

I whispered to my mother viewing my aunt's lifeless body in the casket she picked out. They both were really close like best friends before my mom got married to my dad. If it wasn't for her asking her brother to double date with Jen, Aj and I wouldn't exist.

She looks like my dad, honey-brown hair, lightly toned with freckles, red full lips, and a rounded nose like me.

Terrance caressed Jens shoulder while she cried in to a white napkin. I tried not to make any expression in my face on how I feel about him "helping" her and Marcus with the funeral arrangements. I walked over to Miranda looking over to her brothers casket. I can't believe they both were murdered in one night. Miranda seems shook up about it but secretive like she knows what happened.

"You ok?"Roc asked beside me.

"Yeah you can go head to the car."I frowned looking down at my flats while sitting on the cold stone church steps.

Yeah Roc came with his dad but I strangely wasn't in interest like I was at first. I appeal to him as more a friend or brother which I'm okay with, I think I just got googley eyed by his attractiveness. I took a deep breath standing up and steadily. Everyone was headed to the cemetery but Miranda seemed to not wanna go, which I understood so we all went back to my Aunts house to get Miranda's things. My mother has custody of her now from my aunt's will, so she's coming to live with us. Marcus also came to help after the burials but I needed some air to clear my head and really think.

It just doesn't seem to add up. The second and third death in my family this year, two months apart, especially on my dads side of the family? What really happened that night? What does Miranda know?

" ok?"

I looked up to Princeton blocking the moon. I didn't realize it was night now, I forgot he followed us well me on the plane ride here for the weekend. He was visiting some old friends and had his father's business meeting to deliver documents.

"No."I smiled hugging him happily on my tip toes.

God he's freezing!

He chucked at my expression.

"Why not?"He grinned lifting my chin to him.

"Well for one thing, everyone keeps dyin' just in my family. Two,I think my mother has a boyfriend and three I'm just really stressed out and-"

He cut me off with a sweet kiss, calming me down immediately.

"Just relax Celina, everything's going to be fine, trust me."He looked down staring into my eyes with charm. I was lost but captivated by his admiration.

"I trust you..."I lingered into a kiss.

"Aye Celina."

I spun around to Roc feeling a light wind go by.

"Huh?"I asked looking behind me to Prince gone.

"Ah your mom is asking if you wanna share rooms with Miranda?"

"Oh it's fi-"I stopped and thought for a minute. I have vampires in my room almost everyday, its a little gothic for Ranada and personal things like my notebooks are all around for her to snoop in. I have a queen sized bed so I'd have to downsize.....NO.

"Um no."

"Ok, you good?"

"Mhm Yeah."I falsely smiled as he went back inside. I shrugged taking in cold air while turning back to Prince.

"I think you should head back north before someone catches us?"I grinned as he chuckled.

" safe."

He kissed my forehead before blurring off into woods. I closed my eyes imagining his touch again.

"Hey get in here before you catch the flu!"Marcus yelled as I jumped up snapping out of it.

It always feels like a dream....

Breathe Me~Sia

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