Chapter 2

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New life....

Well between the long flight, the lecture Marcus kept giving about respect and the new phone which was more like a bribe to get me to be nice it wasn't bad. Marcus carried all our suitcases to the pick up area at the airport. Which he spotted a woman who I will NEVER call mom.

"Hey guys!'' She smiled never aging, which was kinda creepy because she was maybe in her mid forty's now. She had the skin of teenager, was skinny but curvy like me, tall, same dark brown hair just long and curly but not so much quiet.

"Hey mom.''they both greeted as I stood there in disgust and UGH. She hugged them as I said nothing pretending to text someone and listen to music.

Marcus hit my arm.

"Hi."I grumbled.

"Oh my gosh, you've grown up so much. How old are you now 21."She grinned hugging me.

Blahh! I wish I was 21 I could seriously use a drink.

Marc came behind her givin me the behave eye. I stuck my tongue out not givin' a damn. I hate her, and I'm starting to hate my life....should have jumped off the plane like planned.

"Come on let's go home."

She smiled carrying the suitcase I was holding. She drove a black four door Benz, it was definitely new not used, I just hopped in without any questions.

Marc sat shotgun tellin' Jennifer about the shit shes missed over the years. I rolled my eyes as I looked out the window seeing a complete change of buildings and shopping malls to just plain woods. Aj played his PSP as I put on my iPod. Miranda says I have depressed ears because I listen to slow and Gothic kind of music. I guess I'm just weird for loving Lana Del Rey?

The sun was going down and casting shadows against the trees, creating a strange blood red tent. I pulled camera takin' a picture with my camera my dad left me with for my seventh birthday. I never understood how all these years I always got a present from my dad. I opened my Walking Dead notepad Marc got me for me when I got straight A's in school when he came home from college once. He knows I like to write poetry, basically my feelings I never tell anyone. I'd rather write it then say it.

About an hour of driving through nothing but trees going onto a bridge.We finally passed a Welcome to Capestead, Washington sign.
Population of 1,908 people.
Ha sike, you think this is some kinda cliché tv show town well your wrong cause it's more like a boring town where it's for one on an island. There's only one grocery store, one mall(not even close to), one big high school and middle school next to it, one library, and I'll stop there because I'm pretty sure you get the point.

We pulled into a red brick circle drive-way, green moss was growing in between to a massive burgundy house. Jen stopped the car at a tall dark wooden front door of the tall two story house. It looked old on the outside but modern when we went inside.

 It looked old on the outside but modern when we went inside

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