Chapter Three

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High school...

Nuff said there huh.

It was a little chilly outside because of the rain and cold front in the morning from Canada. The shopping trip with Jen went well, I guess? She bought everything I wanted which means I can ask for anything... Maybe it's what mothers and daughters do? I'm not sure, none of this is normal to me. Breakfast at 9:45, Lunch with a healthy and nutritious snack in between waiting for dinner at 6:00? It's like she's been waiting for this opportunity to cook these elaborate dishes a 5 star chef would be put to shame compared to her.

Today Is my first day of a new school with zero friends. I wasn't sure if I wanna be seen or just wanted to be alone again. I picked out a simple gray shirt with an owl on it, dark skinny jeans, dark brown lace up boots and my jean jacket with a gray hoodie. I flat ironed my huge curly hair putting it in a low bun and side bang. I didn't bother puttin' on makeup or lipstick Jen bought me just in case. It was mucky outside and who am I tryna impress? Well I'm not the makeup expert like Miranda anyways.

I came downstairs with my backpack on my shoulder.

"Morning beautiful!" Jen smiled cooking breakfast while Marcus and Aj were in the kitchen eating on the barstools.

"Morning."I mumbled sitting in between them.

She placed a plate of three small pancakes, white eggs, and bacon in front of me. Even the syrup was hot and on the side because I hate my food touching....she remembers that?

"No thank you, I'm not hungry." I drying said crossing my arms in protest. I stared down at the plate feeling her sad glaze in front of me. Marcus hit my arm while stuffing his mouth with pancakes. I picked up a fork and started eating. Of course it was amazing, I haven't really eattin' in a while. No,I wasn't doin' it on purpose I just haven't been in the mood lately. I'm pretty much forcing myself again, I guess my body is just as upset as I am.

"Be ready in a couple minutes y'all are goin' to school today." He managed swallowing before realizing he went too far as always with his portion size.

Aj and I laughed as he went up stairs.

But of course, High school.

School started a month ago so I and my brother would be the new kid. I sighed walking into the main office with Marcus and Aj. Luckily no students have arrived yet, just teachers and facility. Apparently the middle and high school are one big school. Wow, that's how much of a small town we now live in. Of course the cute secretary with the dainty dresses and sweaters that match was here. She has big hair,is around her mid fifties and is a plump but short woman with green eyes and honey blond hair.

"Hi how may I help you new folks in town."She smiled. She had a honey like light pitched voice that would make you instantly happy in the morning. You can tell she's from the south with her friendliness. I heard people say the Northerners weren't has friendly as us. I guess it's a culture thing.

"Hi, I would like to enroll my brother and sister into middle and high school."He smiled making her blush.

Yeah yeah,my old bros hot I get it but he's 25 and seriously needs a girlfriend. Strangely enough he hasn't dated much and is very secretive about it. The more I look at him,the more I realize he looks nothing like either me or Aj, not even Jennifer.

"Please fill out both their information on these forums. Oh and dreariest me! My name is Mrs.Ella Stanley,but I like going by Miss.Ella. Makes me feel young ya know." She giggled. "Oh and my husbands the principal, Mr.Stanley dears." She held up a picture by her thumb was in the way of his face. She smiled making eye contact with me and Aj.

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