chapter 2

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Jake POV

I was thinking about working on the time machine but that could wait for now, my wife needs to get a drink of water.

So I gently helped my wife up so we can walk around, we were soon taken to a palace by the guards and brought to meet the Emperor and Empress.

??? POV

Strange travelers what brings you both here with your strange machine, as we let them talk I had soon stopped them.

My wife had notice that the human male wife was pregnant, and ask me to let them stay but the human male had refused our help wanting to go back to their world.

??? POV

We watched them leave, our girls will soon have them to play with nobody should ever say no to us again.

Kammie POV

We soon had gotten our time machine working as we finally went back to our time period, we then went to the hospital as our baby girl was born.

I couldn't see her as the nurse took her away, the doctor said she was born blue so she told me that my sack had fallen on Brittany and later the nurse told me that our baby girl came back to life with our prayer to god.

Jake POV

Oh Kammie, Brittany is a beautiful name for our baby girl.

I had soon felt wind as I gently hug my wife in my arms, then before the nurse and doctor came back we were taken away.

??? POV

Doctor Layla, the baby girl parents are gone what should we do?!

Layla POV

Don't worry they must've went for a walk around the hospital, but when I check the camera they were no where in our hospital at all.

So I told Kayla to keep a eye on Brittany before we can figure out what to do, the next few days a lady came to pick up the orphan and left our hospital.

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