chapter 26

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Evie POV

When we woke up in the dark room the lady came back to us and told us to get moving, when we mess something up we get whipped and some days we don't eat.

Today we went to see the Emperor and Empress so we can see Brittany and her parents one last time to let them decide who they want to live with.

Tina POV

After some thoughts they told us that when they come home from daycare, then they will choose who to be with.

Until then we went back to work and then we both got cleaned up to see Brittany and her parents, they look happy here but now it was time for them to choose.

Kammie POV

Empress Mommy and Emperor daddy had me, Jake and Brittany stop to talk to us so I decided to go with the human lady and then I remembered that Jake is my husband.

Which means our daughter is Brittany, I told Mackenzie that I will go with the two humans through the portal and she sadly nods her head at me.

Mackenzie POV

I was sad to see Kammie to go but now it is Jake turn to choose who to be with, he had sadly smiled at me and so I had gently push him to his wife.

Brittany was the last to make a choice, but I heard my sister freak out and scream saying Brittany stays here with us!!

Sonya POV

As I saw Brittany parents leave, it was her turn to leave us and I don't want her to leave so then after I had picked her up.

I was in our room cuddling with Brittany in the play room inside the closet, when I looked at Brittany she was asleep in my hands.

In my dreams I would see Brittany leaving over and over, they don't end!!

Soon Brittany woke up and her ears were being covered, I asked her to not leave me or our family.

Brittany POV

I soon fainted when I heard Sonya scream saying Brittany stays here with us and then later I had woke up, Sonya please calm down okay?

She soon had listen to me, I had told her when you need me I will be here for you OK but I told Sonya that I am going back to 2021 to be with my first family OK.

I will always be your and Mackenzie sister, and to be honest you are really cute too Sonya.

My second Mommy gave me a key to come back to 1185, so after we left I had kept the clothes that Sonya gave me to wear.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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